Tourism in Prague

The traveling boom that started here in the 1990s did not even pass our capital city by and, notwithstanding initial shortfalls and mistakes, which sometimes discredited it in the eyes of foreign visitors, today, after 19 years, Prague is one of best-loved destinations in Europe when it comes to urban tourism.

In 2008 were in Prague 12 201 580 overnights and in 2007 it was 12 200 291. A total of 4 597 867 tourists visited Prague in 2008. It may be said that not each European metropolis can boast such figures.

However, these figures do not distinguish between foreign and domestic visitors, even though it is clear based on long-term trends that domestic visitors prefer being accommodated in private, by friends or with relatives and this type of accommodation cannot be statistically recorded. Why then do we mention domestic visitors? They form part of the tourist industry in Prague, without a doubt; nonetheless, their needs and fields of interest are very much different and are definitely closer to the interests of the city inhabitants.

The inflow of foreign visitors to Prague is especially supported by two factors – the ever-increasing network of flights on a European scale, especially low-budget airlines, on a world scale, and then the expansion of airline alliances and the spreading of the Internet, which today is an absolute must for tourism. The city’s own promotion activities, on-going intensive tackling of problems concerning taxi services and personal safety must be added to the above.

Foreign visitors of Prague evaluate, very positively, Prague’s architecture, atmosphere, culture, urban mass transportation (abbreviated ‘MHD’ in Czech), preservation of monuments and the costs of services.


Website guide

The tourist website is primarily designed for those people who engage in the tourist trade on a professional basis or who are interested in its development in our capital city. We will be posting relating important information and current events here.

Ordinary tourist information, which the capital city has had drawn up in detail, can be found on the Prague Information Service website, which we refer to in the Links category. This is where domestic and foreign tourists can find everything that they need in connection with their stay in Prague and its close vicinity, including information concerning accommodation, eat & drink and culture.


14. ledna 2010
14. ledna 2010