Basic information

Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic and the centre of politics, international relations, education, culture and the economy of the country. It is the seat of the supreme legislative, administrative and political bodies of the state.

Basic information about Prague
Area: 496 km²
Population: 1 272 000
Geographical location: (city centre) 50° 05' 19" North latitude and 14° 25' 17" East longitude
So called Prague Meridian passes through Prague. It is marked with a specially paved line in the Old Town Square near Hus Monument (14° 25' 17" East longitude)
Time zone Central European Time (GMT + 1), summer time – Central European + 1 (GMT + 2)

Average 235 metres above sea level
Highest elevation 399 m Teleček, Prague 5, Sobín cadastral area,

Za hospodou locality (past Zličín, direction of Chrášťany)
Lowest elevation 177 AMSL. Sedlec u Vltavy
Bílá hora 381m, Děvín 310 m, Petřín 318 m, Vítkov 270 m, Vyšehrad 231 m .

Climate: Average temperature 9.0 °C, in the summer season – July 19.0 °C, in the winter season – January – 0.9 °C
Main river: The Vltava River flows through Prague with a total length of 31 km, its widest point is 330 m, the river has 9 islands
Bridges over the Vltava: Down the river – Závodu míru, Branický, Barrandovský, Železniční, Palackého, Jiráskův, Legií, Karlův, Mánesův, Čechův, Štefánikův, Hlávkův, Negrelliho viaduct, Libeňský, Holešovický (railway bridge), Barikádníků, Holešovický  (tram bridge), Trojská lávka (Troja footbridge) – 18 bridges in total
Voltage: 230 V
Historical centre: Hradčany, Malá Strana (Lesser Town), Staré Město (Old Town), including Josefov, Nové Město (New Town) and Vyšehrad
Number of towers: approximately 500
Parks and gardens: 870 ha
Foundation of the City: 9th century (foundation of Prague Castle)
The historical core of Prague is Prague Monument Reservation with an area of 866 ha.
This includes Vyšehrad, Prague Castle, Old Town, including Josefov, Lesser Town, Hradčany and New Town. In December 1992, the historical centre of Prague was added to the UNESCO world heritage list.
Administrative division: Since 1st July 2001: 22 administrative districts, 57 city districts


For more information, visit the Prague City Tourism website at