The world premiere of an American musical in the Karlin Musical Theatre!

Carmen brings to Prague a spectacular Broadway style show featuring daring circus stunts. An all-star cast and the magnificent music of Frank Wildhorn virtually guarantee a theatrical experience unlike any seen before in Prague. For the first time in history, Prague will play host to a world premiere written by famous Broadway authors.

This new version of the story - written for the Karlin Musical Theatre by the experienced trio of American authors Frank Wildhorn, Jack Murphy and Norman Allen - is not identical to the original novel or opera. It is not a modern version of Carmen, but rather a story inspired by the original.

For the first time ever, Carmen brings together the production talents of two top theatres - the Karlin Musical Theatre and Ta Fantastika. Carmen Musical will be hold under the auspices of Mayor of Prague MUDr. Pavel Bém!

First theatre performance 24th September 2008 - tickets already available!

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About Theatre

Karlin Musical Theatre, one of the oldest and largest theatres in the Czech Republic, was fi rst built in 1881, though its current appearance dates from 1897, when the theatre was rebuilt in the pseudo-Baroque style. The theatre’s modern history begins after World War II under the leadership of such notables as Oldřich Nový and Jan Werich. It was during this time that the theatre acquired its own company and orchestra and began to build a repertoire.

Historically, Karlín has staged operas, some of the world’s most famous musicals, as well as original Czech works, and today is no different. The theatre houses its own company of soloists, a fantastic orchestra, a choir and a dance company and works with a cast of regular external collaborators. Its quality is confi rmed by seven prestigious Thálie Awards. Following the devastating fl oods of 2002, the theatre was forced to relocate to the Prague Congress Centre, where it operated until the end of the 2005/2006 season. The newly renovated Karlín Musical Theatre had its gala opening in October 2006 with the premiere of the American musical The Producers, the most successful show in the history of Broadway.

6. ledna 2010
6. ledna 2010