Parks and gardens form integral features of the image of the capital of the Czech Republic. A search in history reveals that the oldest still existing garden formed part of a bishop's mansion founded in the Lesser Town in 1248. At present we know its many times changed fragment as Vojanovy Sady. The Old Town had mostly minor gardens of individual citizens. Of major significance were the monastery gardens. Generally speaking, however, the gardens played an insignificant role in the picture of the medieval city. The situation changed in the reign of Emperor Charles IV. When founding the New Town of Prague, this in many respects enlightened ruler did not forget green areas and in 1358 he issued an ordinance on the establishment of vineyards and orchards "... on all hills within three miles of the city ...". The Emperor's name appears once again in relation to gardens. The first separate apothecary garden covering approximately one hectare originated in the second half of the 14th century approximately on the site of the present Main Post Office in Jindřišská Street. It was called "Angel Garden" after Angelo, the apothecary particularly favoured by the Emperor in 1360. More about the history of Prague parks and gardens.
At present hundreds of historical as well as modern parks are registered in the territory of Prague. Most Prague parks and gardens are not significant for their size. Often they form almost intimate spaces. However, due to their great diversity and distribution in all parts of Prague they contribute greatly to the typical picture of the city. There is the System of Care for Greenery in the City of Prague worked out, which classified parks and park-like areas into four categories on the basis of importance of their respective position they occupy in the System. Parks of Category I are administered by the City, represented for the purpose by the Department of the City Greenery of MHMP, other areas are administered by the appropriate City District.
Parks possessed and administered by the City
Parks of 1st category are the property of the City and under its administration as:
On the basis of rules and documents approved by the City Assembly the gradual recovery and revitalisation of parks of 1st category have been continuing. In the Kinských Garden, the premises of Gardens on the Petřín Hill, Letná Orchards, the Royal Preserve – Kralovska obora, and at the Vítkov Mountain important projects were implemented or started.