Flood control measures

(the text below is based on the chapter Flood control measures published in yearbook Prague Environment 2004)

floods in prague, august 2002 (praha-troja)

Tactical exercise "Water 2005" took place in Prague in the days of 22 - 24 July 2005. More

installation of mobile flood protection barriers installation of mobile flood protection barriers

Information on the construction of flood protection system of the City of Prague

An intensive construction of flood protection system has been ongoing on the whole territory of the City of Prague. Once the system is completed the City shall be protected against the flooding of high water of the Vltava River and Berounka River as in the case of the great deluge of August 2002 plus the spare margin of water level + 30 cm.

The construction of flood control measures was originally in 1997 designed for 100-year water and subdivided into seven phases as follows: 1 – Old Town and Josefov, 2 – Leader Town and Kampa, 3 – Karlín and Libeň, 4 – Holešovice and Royal Game Preserve Stromovka, 5 – Podolí and Výtoň, 6 – Smíchov, Zbraslav, Radotín and Velká Chuchle, and 7 – Troja, Prague 6.

After the 2002 flood it was decided to elevate the existing protective dykes in preparations and to expand the construction of flood-control measures for two more phases as follows:

  • Phase 0008 Modřany – the extension of the protected area from the Street U Kina to the Sugar Mill Komořany, modifications of creeks taken in pipes, and protection of Modřany by increasing of the railway tracks;
  • and the phase 0009 of measures against internal water, which shall take rainwater and water from the sewerage system from areas located behind the flood-control measures.


Following the experience from the 2002 floods, mathematical models, and other background materials, further changes were carried out to the protection system and to projects to provide for much more perfect protection of Prague.

The construction of 1st phase Old Town and Josefov was completed in 2000 and saved Old Town from flooding even at the vast deluge in August 2002.


State of preparations and construction of respective phases of the Construction 0012

Phase 0002 Lesser Town and Kampa is under implementation at present. Of this phase the construction in the area of the Herger Brick Mill is finished and works from the of Říční ulice down to Čertovka are being completed. Their extent and the construction progress have been advancing fast being under the control eye of the public. The installation and assembly of a moving gate serving as the closure to the Čertovka gorge will probably be a mater of rarity. The Čertovka Gate testing is planned for 25 November 2004. The phase deadline for completion is the end of 2004.

Phase 0003 Karlín - Libeň is, concerning the technical merit as well as the extent of works, the most complex and financially one of the most demanding phases. Suppliers were selected for every part thereof on the basis of tenders. The phase, which cope with numerous obstacles, as of yet successfully, will clearly protect the territory of the whole Karlín once it is completed in 2005.

Phase 0004 Holešovice - Stromovka – tenders for respective parts thereof were completed and suppliers are selected. The phase is slated to be completed in June 2005.

Phase 0005 Výtoň, Podolí, Smíchov – is completed, the part in the vicinity of the Railway Bridge will be delivered in 2005 due to the resignation of its private owner.

Phase 0006 Zbraslav - Radotín – in accordance with the performed control of saving measures, the RN plan for 2005, simultaneous discussion of the flood-control measure construction at the Committee of The Assembly of the City of Prague for the renewal of the flooded areas, which was held on 18 November 2004, it was proposed and the Council of the City of Prague on 23 November 2004 decided, under ref. No. 1967, to cancel the existing background materials and tenders for suppliers of respective parts of this phase. The phase shall be re-designed again and discussed with the appropriate City Districts.

Phase 0007 Troja – Documentation is under development and the preparations of the final line thereof are being determined.

Phase 0008 flood-control measures Modřany – works are being performed on modifications to the sewerage system of other parts of the construction. The construction completion in the half of 2005 seems realistic.

Phase 0009 measures against internal water – The Prague Water Management Company prepared the final general plan of the sewerage system, which proposes a solution in the phase extent. It is the pumping water off the protected areas.

Works on the building of flood-control measures have been carried out pursuant to the approved schedule and major part of them shall be completed within two years. Because the rapid completion of the remaining phases of construction and technical modifications (building of permanent flood-control walls, purchasing and constructing of further mobile barriers, modifications to networks of sewers, etc.) in order to provide for the protection of Prague against potential floods is the absolute must for the City of Prague, the City has allocated the necessary finances to build-up the flood-control measures.

25. července 2005
25. července 2005