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Celkem záznamů: 17156

18.9.2012 —

Nové platební automaty na radnici

5.4.2019 — Radnice Prahy 5 nechala nainstalovat do přízemí budovy dva nové samoobslužné platební automaty, které přijímají platbu za správní poplatky jak v hotovosti, tak kartou. Automaty by měly přispět k rychlejšímu odbavení zákazníků.

How the time passed in Vyšehrad

18.3.2019 — Do you know when people first settled in Vyšehrad, and how its appearance changed over time? The exhibition in Vyšehrad's Gothic Cellar will introduce you to the history of this unique place.

Prague cinemas to host German film festival

16.10.2019 — Das Filmfest, a festival of the best films in German, will take place in Prague from the 16th to the 22nd of October. This year's 14th annual Das Filmfest festival will feature new German, Austrian and Swiss cinematography.

Dear Praguers,

20.9.2012 — this beautiful Indian summer is so tempting for taking walks around the city. I recommend Prague Botanic Garden and Zoo.

A month of dance in Prague

3.6.2019 — Tanec Praha, the international festival of contemporary dance and movement theatre in Prague, is one of the biggest events in the Czech cultural calendar.