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Celkem záznamů: 744
The Battle of White Mountain to be re-enacted at Vypich

18.9.2020 — On the 19th and the 20th of September, a spectacular re-enactment of the Battle of White Mountain (Bitva na Bílé hoře), which was fought 400 years ago, will take place in Prague 6, along with an accompanying programme and a historic market. Hundreds of enthusiasts from all over Europe will take part in the event introducing a dramatic episode of Czech history. The reconstruction of the battle, which was a turning point for the Czech lands, is organised by the Bílá hora 1620 association. The re-enactment, which is one of the largest events of its kind in Europe, aims for the highest level of authenticity possible.

Dear Praguers,

20.9.2012 — this beautiful Indian summer is so tempting for taking walks around the city. I recommend Prague Botanic Garden and Zoo.

Women in the post office

31.1.2020 — Women in Czech lands started working in the postal industry as early as the 16th century. How did it work back then and how did the position of women in the postal industry develop alongside that of men? You can find answers to these questions in the Postal Museum in Prague at an exhibition called 'Women in the Post Office' ('Ženy na poště').

Novinky z Cirqueonu

12.4.2016 —

Bulgarian Movies in Lucerna and Pilotů Cinemas in Prague

9.4.2019 — Bulgarian filmmakers will once again bring their latest feature films and documentaries to the Czech metropolis.

Exhibitions at the Prague Castle to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia

8.1.2018 — This year, we commemorate the 100th anniversary from the declaration of the Czechoslovakia. It will also be remembered by five exhibitions under the common title: Founded in 1918, prepared by the Prague Castle Administration.