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Celkem záznamů: 17780
18th Century music rings out in Maisel Synagogue
20.11.2019 — The Maisel Synagogue in the Old Town is hosting a concert called "At the Prussian Court" on the 21st of November. The unique music by Ensemble Postillon, a young and talented band, will bring you to the court of Friedrich II in Berlin.
Prague hosts unique photography festival
9.10.2020 — Fotograf Festival, which takes place in Prague until the 18th of October, is a festival of photography, which explores the relationship between contemporary art and photography. A series of exhibitions and film screenings in several locations in Prague will be organised, as well as lectures, debates with artists and performances. The motto of this year's festival is 'Uneven Ground'. Come to explore the unknown, the unexpected, the other. In eight connected exhibitions, organisers offer various perspectives, creating and examining connections between artists from different generations and places, as well as between photographers and their models or objects. In doing so, they connect not only one person with another, but also the known with the unknown.
Bertíci pro pražské dětské domovy
6.3.2008 — Radní pro zdravotnictví Milan Pešák předal dnes v Brožíkově síni Staroměstské radnice symbolické šeky na téměř 2,5 mil. Kč, které budou rozděleny mezi tři dětské domovy a jedno diagnostické centrum na území hlavního města Prahy. Nad charitativní sbírkou „S Bertíkem za dětským úsměvem“ převzal záštitu primátor hl. města Prahy Pavel Bém a krajští hejtmané.
Schola Pragensis 2010
23.11.2010 — XV. ročník výstavy Schola Pragensis 2010 se uskuteční ve dnech 25. - 27. 11. 2010 v Kongresovém centru Praha.
Uber sám přiznává, že porušuje zákon. Česku se vysmívá. Komentář Adriany Krnáčové
11.1.2018 — Zdroj: info.cz | Kategorie: Zprávy Vydavatel: CZECH NEWS CENTER, a.s. Autor: Adriana Krnáčová 11. ledna 2018, 22:36
Dear Praguers,
11.3.2013 — Are you wondering how to celebrate Easter in the city? Here are some tips for events:
Celebrations of November 17 in Prague
8.11.2017 — This year's celebrations will take place in Prague under the auspices of the Festival svobody (Freedom Festival), in places that are directly linked to the historical events. Parades, debates, concerts, and other events will take place in the streets of the city.
Abstract sculptures in Troja Château Gardens
22.5.2020 — Prague City Gallery is slowly returning to normal operation after the closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. For example, visitors can admire 'Colorbond', a sculpture exhibition by Jan Kovářík, from mid-May. Troja Château Gardens belong to the most beautiful Baroque gardens in Prague. Art lovers can find many statues, rare decorative terracotta vases, pergolas, a maze and fountains there. Kovářík's sculptures will give the garden's visitors an additional artistic experience during the tourist season.
Discover the world of the famous Leonardo da Vinci!
16.10.2020 — The Chvaly Château ('Chvalský zámek') in Horní Počernice is offering you the opportunity to explore the magnificent world of Leonardo da Vinci! The interactive exhibition will introduce you to the inventions, art and scientific work by the Italian genius until the 22nd of November.
Prague will host wind orchestras from all over Europe
12.2.2019 — On the 15th and 16th of February 2019, the 21st annual of 'The International Festival of Wind Orchestras Prague' will take place in our capital.
Dopisy čtenářů
24.1.2002 —