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Ochrana klimatu

10.5.2024 —

Mezinárodní festival Prague Proms nabídne hudbu všech žánrů

5.6.2024 — Filmové melodie, klasická hudba, jazz či popové písně.

Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog

14.10.2009 — tisková zpráva / pozvánka na koncert

Boat or tram? Urban water transportation on the Vltava River

12.5.2019 — In the future, so-called water trams might also be added to the ferries on the Vltava River.

Enjoy the French wine festival at the New Town Hall

21.6.2019 — On the 22nd of June, the third annual 'Le Pavillon Français', will take place at the New Town Hall in Prague 2. Come to taste wines and delicacies, meet winemakers and enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the wine festival organised by wine merchant Chez Greg.