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Celkem záznamů: 7550
Lucerna Cinema will screen Nordic films with English subtitles

14.2.2019 — Lovers of Nordic movies are certainly looking forward to this year's annual festival Nordic Film Winter. Running from the 14th to the 19th of February 2019, the festival will offer 26 movies from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Lithuania. For six of them, it will be their Czech premiere! All films are subtitled in English. The traditional feast Nordic and Baltic film production is coming to Czech and Moravian cinemas for the ninth time, with 22 cinemas from all over the country taking part in the event.

Important notice - COVID-19

11.3.2020 — Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a novel coronavirus, which means this virus has not been found before. However, we know that the virus transmits mainly via (a) direct contact with droplets from an infected person; and (b) indirect contact by touching contaminated surfaces where the virus can survive for a short time.

What is The City of Prague Museum offering in 2019?

1.2.2019 — Over the course of the year, The City of Prague Museum is preparing a total of six exhibitions. These exhibitions will show Prague past, with interesting historical crafts, as well as present-day Prague, with photographs by a well-known photographer. The museum has permanent displays, such as the archaeological collection in the main building, which is the museum's biggest collection and mostly comes from the museum's archaeological research. Collections of applied art are also valuable, including a high-quality collection of graphics. The most valuable part of this collection is the vedute, which are views of Prague, including its squares, individual street, important buildings, emerging suburbs and natural surroundings outside the city's baroque fortifications. Visitors can also admire these views in Langweil's model of Prague, which contains more than 2,000 buildings on a 1:480 scale, with all the fine details of facades, courtyards, gardens and farm outhouses belonging to buildings. In the case of many demolished historical buildings, Langweil's model of Prague is the only physical record of their appearance.

Press Release: ONE WORLD 2009 (11 – 19 March 2009)

22.3.2009 — International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival


17.4.2020 —

Prague will systematically address the cultivation of nightlife

28.1.2019 — Prague City Council approved the members of a new Commission for the Night Mayor, the head of which will be Jan Štern. The commission's main goal will be to systematically work on long-term solutions for Prague's nightlife, to keep it within reasonable limits and to cultivate it at the same time. Members of this Commission will include representatives of Prague 1 and of the Municipal Police, as well as representatives of night clubs and organizers of cultural events. The aim is, on one hand, to reduce negative impacts of nightlife on the citizens of Prague, and on the other hand, to not damage the prosperity of the city ​​and its inhabitants.

Pražský primátor zahájil výroční konferenci AMEE

1.9.2008 — Primátor hl.m. Prahy Pavel Bém dnes večer pronesl slavnostní projev na zahájení třetí výroční konference AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe) v Kongresovém centru Praha. AMEE je významná organizace, která sdružuje pedagogy a vědce z celého světa, kteří se věnují lékařskému vzdělávání a vzdělávání dalších zdravotnických profesí za účelem zlepšení jeho kvality a výměny zkušeností.

Primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém se rozloučil s dobrovolníky před odjezdem na Haiti

18.4.2010 — Dvanáct dobrovolníků organizace Hand for Help, kteří mají autobusem namířeno na pařížské letiště, ze kterého se vydají na Haiti, se dnes na Mariánském náměstí v Praze setkalo s primátorem hl. m. Prahy Pavlem Bémem a předsedou zahraničního výboru pražského zastupitelstva Tomášem Chalupou.

Koncert na pomoc obětem zemětřesení na Haiti: Help Haiti!

20.1.2010 — Hlavní město Praha, Česká televize, Český rozhlas Regina a Člověk v tísni pořádají humanitární koncert na pomoc obětem zemětřesení na Haiti.Na koncertu 21. ledna 2010 od 13.00 do 21.00 hodin na Staroměstském náměstí vystoupí více než 30 interpretů a významných hostů.