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06142004-rozhovor-Mgr. Rudolf Blažek, náměstek primátora hl. m. Prahy-Konkurz & konjunktura-Plete Praha na psy bič?

14.6.2004 — V možnostech řešení problematiky chovu psů a jejich pohybu na území hlavního města Prahy se stala mezníkem novela zákona na ochranu zvířat proti týrání (č. 77/2004 Sb., kterým se mění zákon č. 246/1992 Sb. ve znění pozdějších předpisů), která vstoupila v účinnost 1. března 2004. "Tato novela umožňuje obci zavést povinné označování psů a evidenci jejich chovatelů a dále upravit pravidla pro pohyb psů na veřejném prostranství a vymezit prostory pro volné pobíhání psů," uvedl náměstek primátora Mgr. Rudolf Blažek.

Road traffic noise

2.7.2007 — information from the yearbooks Prague Environment 2006, 2005 and 2004

The eighth annual festival of Iranian films in Prague with English subtitles

16.1.2019 — From the 15th to the 20th of January, Prague cinemas present a festival, which introduces some of the best current Iranian films. The festival, simply called 'Írán:ci' (Iranians), features films projected with English subtitles. It opens on the 15th of January at 8pm in the Lucerna cinema, with a dark comedy 'Pig', one of the most successful Iranian movies of the year. The director Mani Haghighi, whose movies 'About Elly' and 'Dragon Arrives!' were successful in previous years of the festival, will introduce the film.

Tigress Arila arrives at Prague ZOO

27.8.2019 — The "widowed" Siberian tiger Rádža is getting a new partner. The tigress Arila came to Prague from Germany and can be seen in the enclosure at the top of the zoo.

Enjoy the quarantine with online tours and entertainment

23.3.2020 — Due to the coronavirus pandemic, you do not currently have the opportunity to visit exhibitions and museums in the Czech capital; however, you can still enjoy online tours and art from the comfort of your own home. For example, the City of Prague Museum is offering online exhibitions and tutorials for children.

Dance Academy Prague by Yemi AD

25.3.2010 — Nejpopulárnější česká soutěž mladých tanečníků se otevírá konkurentům z celého světa.

Stabilisation of coronavirus in Prague

5.8.2020 — After revising the quantity of PPE, the Prague Security Council (Bezpečnostní rada hl. m. Prahy) has concluded that there is a month's supply of PPE for the city of Prague, and that certain public organisations have up to two months' supply ofprotective medical equipment.

Prague will host famous Thai youth orchestra

11.9.2019 — On the 12th of September, the famous Thai youth symphony orchestra, Siam Sinfonietta, will play in Liechtenstein Palace in Prague along with Czech symphonic orchestra, Novoměstská filharmonie.

Sustainability indicators of the City of Prague

26.5.2006 — Information from the yearbook Prague Environment 2005