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Celkem záznamů: 28518
Festival Prague Pride

2.8.2021 — 2. 8. 2021, Rozhlas, Radio City, Hana Třeštíková

Drinking water supply through the public water supply system

27.6.2007 — Tthe text is based on the chapter Drinking water supply through the public water supply system published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006.

Guided tours of the Gardens below Prague Castle

25.9.2020 — The romantic setting of the Gardens below Prague Castle offers a unique opportunity to relax and regain positive energy. On the 26th and 27th of September, visitors can also avail of the offer of guided tours.

Sail on a historic boat on the Vltava River

30.7.2020 — The residents of Prague will have the opportunity to sail down the Vltava River in a replica of a traditional boat called a 'šíf'. It is a large wooden boat, similar to a barge, which has been used to transport cargo including stones, sand, salt, grain and beer for centuries. This particular 'šíf' was built two years ago with support from Vltavan Čechy, a union which connects Vltava River associations from Prague, Davle, Štěchovice and Purkarec.

Festival Prague Proms zahájil svůj osmnáctý ročník

23.6.2022 — Klasickou hudbu, jazz, crossover i filmové melodie nabízí letošní ročník festivalu Prague Proms 2022. Hudební maraton až do 20. října představí několik netradičních koncertů konaných například v pražském klubu The Loop Jazz Club Hostivař, ve Smetanově síni Obecního domu nebo v chrámu sv. Barbory v Kutné Hoře.