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Celkem záznamů: 21151
‘V Praze jako doma’ tourism campaign successfully continues

22.9.2020 — 'V Praze jako doma', the campaign supporting tourism in Prague and to reduce the negative economic consequences of coronavirus, has been very successful. Thanks to the campaign, almost 60,000 people came to the Czech capital this summer, mainly from the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. There have been very positive responses to the programme. The City of Prague, along with Prague City Tourism, will therefore extend the campaign until the end of December this year.

2015 Grants

30.11.2015 —

The opening of the 74th International Prague Spring

12.5.2019 — The 74th Prague Spring International Classical Music Festival is about to start in the Czech capital.

2017 Grants


2016 Grants

24.3.2015 —

Startupy pražského inkubátoru Prague Startup Centre získaly za uplynulý rok investice 110 milionu korun

26.1.2018 — Rok 2017 přinesl do pražského podnikatelského inkubátoru Prague Startup Centre významné události: 6 úspěšných startupů získalo na investicích dohromady přes 110 miliónů korun. Nejvyšší investice zde činila 32 milionů korun, nejvyšší valuace startupu reálnou soukromou investicí dosáhla 400 milionů korun. Do dvou let očekávají v Prague Startup Centre první startup s miliardovou hodnotou.

2014 Grants

7.10.2013 —

New cycling paths in Prague

23.9.2019 — Prague councillors have agreed to support the financing of the project preparation and partial creation of new routes for cyclists and pedestrians in northeast Prague. Districts 14, 18, 19, and 20, as well as Čakovice, Satalice and Vinoř, will plan to connect existing cycle paths by slightly adjusting field roads and third-class roads to create a unified and efficient network.

What is The City of Prague Museum offering in 2019?

1.2.2019 — Over the course of the year, The City of Prague Museum is preparing a total of six exhibitions. These exhibitions will show Prague past, with interesting historical crafts, as well as present-day Prague, with photographs by a well-known photographer. The museum has permanent displays, such as the archaeological collection in the main building, which is the museum's biggest collection and mostly comes from the museum's archaeological research. Collections of applied art are also valuable, including a high-quality collection of graphics. The most valuable part of this collection is the vedute, which are views of Prague, including its squares, individual street, important buildings, emerging suburbs and natural surroundings outside the city's baroque fortifications. Visitors can also admire these views in Langweil's model of Prague, which contains more than 2,000 buildings on a 1:480 scale, with all the fine details of facades, courtyards, gardens and farm outhouses belonging to buildings. In the case of many demolished historical buildings, Langweil's model of Prague is the only physical record of their appearance.

Praha se těší na návrat turistů, připravila pro ně kartu Prague Visitor Pass

3.6.2022 — Od června startuje první fáze ostrého provozu turistické karty Prague Visitor Pass. Podle zástupců Prague City Tourism a Operátora ICT, který se podílel na jejím vývoji, nyní bude návštěva Prahy zejména pro zahraniční turisty mnohem jednodušší. Kromě hlavních turisticky atraktivních památek karta v současnosti nabízí celou škálu akceptačních míst mimo dlouhodobě přetížené centrum. Prague Visitor Pass tak odráží i nový přístup města k cestovnímu ruchu, kdy se ho po pandemii snaží obnovit v jeho udržitelné formě.