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Celkem záznamů: 1675
Květa Pacovská: ‘Run till the end’

18.11.2019 — Until the 1st of March 2020, Prague City Gallery is presenting an exhibition of works by the prominent Czech artist Květa Pacovská. You can see her early works on the 3rd floor of the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace.

Praha otevírá Středisko pro podporu náhradních rodičů na Výtoni

5.4.2023 — Na pražské Výtoni byl ve středu 5. dubna 2023 slavnostně zahájen provoz Střediska pro podporu náhradních rodičů. Pěstouni a adoptivní rodiče díky tomu získají zázemí pro vzdělávání a sdílení zkušeností, v objektu je také umístěno re-use centrum s vybavením pro děti. Náklady na zprovoznění objektu byly zhruba 400 tisíc Kč. Středisko bude provozovat příspěvková organizace hlavního města Prahy Centrum služeb pro rodinu a dítě a dětský domov Charlotty Masarykové v úzké spolupráci s organizacemi zabývajícími se podporou pěstounů a náhradních rodičů.

To and From the City Centre

21.6.2007 — There are many options for getting to and from Prague Airport. You have a choice between personal transport solutions, private shuttle services, taxis or public bus services.

Experience the countryside in the heart of Prague

4.10.2019 — On the 5th of October, Prague Botanical Garden will host 'Slamák' festival, where you can 'experience the countryside in Prague'. Come to enjoy country life, have fun, relax and eat food fresh from the farm, all in a relaxed atmosphere.

Nové reuse centrum Sto•re v Holešovické tržnici

27.5.2024 — Pražané mají možnost pořídit si kurátorovaný nábytek, opravenou elektroniku, nádobí, předměty běžné denní potřeby i zachráněné pokojové rostliny.

Flood control measures

27.6.2007 — Information on the construction of flood protection system of the City of Prague (text based on the chapter Flood control measures published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006)

The first aerial sports championship in the Czech Republic

25.10.2019 — The first official aerial sports championships in the Czech Republic and Slovakia will begin in Prague. You can come and see the elegant sport, where acrobats dance in the air with the aid of scarves, on the 26th of October in Královské Vinohrady. Aerobics and fitness are not as popular as adrenaline-filled sports. However, aerial acrobatics has recently experienced a great boom. And it's not just about the competition. Like any sport, aerial dancing can be practiced for fun.

Municipal Library of Prague opens to the public!

8.5.2020 — Selected branches of the Municipal Library of Prague opened to the public on Tuesday the 5th of May. However, health and safety measure must still be followed. Despite the government's decision to allow public libraries to open from the 27th of April, some libraries, such as the Municipal Library of Prague, were surprised by this decision and were not ready to open so soon.

Priorities of Foreign Policy

21.6.2007 — In the international context, Prague is a European city; the maintenance and development of this position requires continuing care and focused international and internal effort.