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Celkem záznamů: 7851
‘Laboratory of Living Sentiments’ at Meet Factory

29.7.2019 — Until the 8th of September 2019, there will be an exhibition of videos, 'Laboratory of Living Sentiments' by the Polish artist Magdalena Lazar in the Kostka Gallery. The themes of the exhibition are sentiments and memories. The artist Magdalena Lazar was born in Poland in 1986. She works with animation, video, photography, installation and objects. Her favourite themes include the present versus the past, the experience of a lot of change over a short period, and initiatives related to a post-growth economy.

European Mobility Week

16.9.2020 — European Mobility Week 2020 will start in Prague on Wednesday the 16th of September. The event, which offers numerous events focusing on active and more environmentally friendly modes of transportation, will take place

Impressionists on the movie screen

29.8.2020 — On the 31st of August, you can discover the works and the secrets of the French Impressionists in the Světozor Cinema in Prague, as part of the Bio Senior project.

České doteky hudby will bring harmony to the winter Prague

19.12.2018 — The impressive music experience can be enjoyed at eleven concerts. The 20th anniversary of the festival will bring music and harmony to the various venues in the city: Rudolfinum, Obecní dům (Municipal House), Pražský hrad (Prague Castle), Novoměstská radnice (New Town Hall), Kongresové centrum (Prague Congress Centre) and the hall in the city of Mladá Boleslav. You will be able to enjoy the pleasure of various types of classical music from various eras, such as orchestral music, chamber music or recitals. The audience will hear some very famous pieces as well as interesting music titles rarely performed.

Main Station

10.4.2012 —

Prague launches a new campaign to tackle coronavirus.

30.10.2020 — The city of Prague will launch a new campaign from Monday, the 26th of October, showing the faces of the frontline workers fighting the pandemic every day.

Mr. Petr Suška

8.11.2021 —

Earth Hour in Prague

27.3.2020 — The lights will go out in ten major buildings to highlight the importance of the climate in the past, present and future.

Prague City Hall

19.6.2014 —

The world's biggest Romani festival is here

24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.