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Celkem záznamů: 194265
Enjoy the quarantine with online tours and entertainment

23.3.2020 — Due to the coronavirus pandemic, you do not currently have the opportunity to visit exhibitions and museums in the Czech capital; however, you can still enjoy online tours and art from the comfort of your own home. For example, the City of Prague Museum is offering online exhibitions and tutorials for children.

Léto v Museu Kampa

14.7.2023 — Vedle stálé expozice nabídne Museum Kampa dvě nové výstavy, workshop pro rodiče s dětmi a ve Werichově vile mimo jiné programy pro veřejnost.

Discount for museums and galleries in Prague

30.6.2020 — Prague wants to thank its residents by offering them an opportunity to visit selected museums and galleries with a 50% discount over the summer holidays. All you have to do is to show your Lítačka Card.

Links to web pages

21.12.2005 —

Praha chce podpořit vybudování Pražského domu fotografie

28.1.2004 — Rada hl. m. Prahy dnes uvolnila z rozpočtu města deset miliónů korun na kompletní rekonstrukci a vybavení nebytových prostor domu v Revoluční č. 5 na realizaci projektu "Pražský dům fotografie - Fotocentrum".

Discover Siberian shamanism with Stanislav Krupař

20.9.2020 — The Náprstek Museum will host a talk on shamanism with the journalist and photographer Stanislav Krupař on the 23rd of September. The lecture 'The current state of shamanism in Tuva' is a part of the accompanying programme of the current exhibition 'At Home in Siberia'.

Signal Festival illuminates Prague

10.10.2019 — From the 10th to the 13th of October, 18 light installations - 9 from Czech and 9 from aboard - will be displayed as part of the 7th Signal Festival. Discover the routes of these installations leading through 'Malá Strana' (the Lesser Town), 'Staré Město' (the Old Town) and Karlín.

Josef Sudek Gallery presents an exhibition of unique photos from Carpathian Ruthenia

19.1.2019 — Podkarpatská Rus (Carpathian Ruthenia), an exhibition of photos by Bohumil Vavrouška, will be open in the Josef Sudek Gallery, a branch of the Prague Museum of Decorative Arts, until 27th January 2019.