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Prague Spring presents: Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival 2019
15.11.2019 — Five excellent pianists will take part in the seventh annual Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival, which will take place between the 17th and the 23rd of November. This year, festival goers can once again look forward to an extraordinary music experience.
The "100 Years - 534 Artists" Exhibition will present unreleased stamps from famous authors
18.12.2018 — Until next March, an exhibition will take place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Postal Museum, where the postage stamps from 1918 - 2018 will be presented. Visitors will also see the unveiled and less known proposals.
Profil Media, s.r.o.: Czech Grand Design 2007
15.9.2008 —
Florballisté se již ve čtvrtek utkají v Praze
2.8.2004 — Špičky světového florballu se tento týden sjedou do Prahy na 12. ročník mezinárodního florballového turnaje Czech Open 2004. Záštitu nad turnajem převzal náměstek pražského primátora JUDr. Petr Hulinský. Město jako spolupořadatel přispělo na tuto akci částkou 600 tisíc korun. Turnaj se koná od 5. do 8. srpna.
The "100 Years - 534 Artists" Exhibition will present unreleased stamps from famous authors
18.12.2018 — Until next March, an exhibition will take place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Postal Museum, where the postage stamps from 1918 - 2018 will be presented. Visitors will also see the unveiled and less known proposals.
Pražský primátor zahájil Mistrovství Evropy v dlouhém triatlonu
7.8.2009 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém včera slavnostně zahájil u Křižíkovy fontány Triatlonový festival. Mistrovství Evropy v dlouhém triatlonu a závod Czech Bigman se koná pod záštitou primátora hl. m. Prahy Pavla Béma. Mistrovství se koná v České republice poprvé.
Panelové diskuse ke zdravotnictví se zúčastnil za Prahu radní Milan Pešák
21.10.2009 — Odborné fórum nazvané „Czech Business Futures – Nemocnice, zdravotní pojišťovny“ proběhlo dnes večer v hotelu Le Palais v ulici U Zvonařky. Panelové diskuze se v zastoupení primátora Pavla Béma zúčastnil za hlavní město Milan Pešák, radní pro oblast zdravotnictví.
International dance project in Studio ALTA will bring comic relief
29.6.2020 — On the 2nd and 3rd of July, Studio ALTA will present 'How Things Go', the first joint project by the newly formed duo Felix Baumann (DE) and Sean Henderson (US/ CH). Baumann and Henderson brilliantly combine dance, physical and visual theatre. In 'How Things Go', the two performers' encounters with various objects cause a chain reaction, which inevitably leads to chaos. However, they do not give up or lose their sense of humour, and the audience laughs with them. Witnessing such creative yet futile efforts makes you think of comedians like Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and the Czech animated slapstick pair Pat & Mat.
Surface water
25.7.2005 —
Florbaloví mistři se utkají v Praze
29.7.2004 — Špičky světového florbalu se již příští týden sjedou do Prahy na 12. ročník mezinárodního florbalového turnaje Czech Open 2004. Záštitu nad ním převzal náměstek pražského primátora Petr Hulinský. Město jako spolupořadatel přispělo na tuto akci částkou 600 tisíc korun. Turnaj se koná od čtvrtka 5. do neděle 8. srpna.
Tenth annual Lunchmeat Festival in Prague
29.9.2019 — Lunchmeat Festival, an annual international festival dedicated to advanced electronic music and new media art, will take place between the 30th of September and the 5th of October. This year, the tenth annual audio-visual festival will take place in four venues.
Akcent International Theatre Festival
25.11.2019 — Akcent International Theatre Festival, organised by Archa Theatre, is on until the 2nd of December. Theatre installations, interactive scenic events and productions of documentary theatre are all on the festival's programme. Archa Theatre has been organising the international documentary theatre festival Akcent since 2010. Their aim is to create a platform for art that crosses the boundaries between art, social issues and politics.
Florbaloví mistři se utkají v Praze
26.7.2004 — Špičky světového florbalu se již za dva týdny sjedou do Prahy na 12. ročník mezinárodního florbalového turnaje Czech Open 2004. Záštitu nad ním převzal náměstek pražského primátora JUDr. Petr Hulinský. Město jako spolupořadatel přispělo na tuto akci částkou 600 tisíc korun. Turnaj se koná od 5. do 8. srpna.
25.7.2005 —
Prague: the heart of nations
29.5.2019 — The 21st international festival, "Prague Heart of Nations 2019", is the largest joint event for minorities in the Czech Republic, bringing a wealth of traditions from nations around the world. From the 30th of May to the 3rd of June, the festival will symbolically take place in the heart of Europe - the historical centre of Prague. Since 1999, musicians, singers and dancers have come to the Czech capital to perform traditional folk art from their native countries. This year, Prague will welcome a wide range of artists once again.
Exhibitions at the Prague Castle to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia
8.1.2018 — This year, we commemorate the 100th anniversary from the declaration of the Czechoslovakia. It will also be remembered by five exhibitions under the common title: Founded in 1918, prepared by the Prague Castle Administration.
Prague Fringe festival will be dominated by women this year
22.5.2019 — 9 days, 19 countries, 52 productions, 242 performances - this is the popular English-language and non-verbal theatre festival, celebrating its eighteenth anniversary in the Czech Republic.
The opening of the 74th International Prague Spring
12.5.2019 — The 74th Prague Spring International Classical Music Festival is about to start in the Czech capital.
Pondělí 17. září 2007 – Den pražské železnice
17.9.2007 —