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Celkem záznamů: 28518
East or West , Prague is Best

29.6.2015 — "Nová kampaň organizace Prague City Tourism funguje", říká odborný portál pro cestovní ruch COT business

TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: První ročník blues festivalu Bluesix

24.9.2008 — Pozvánka na festival v klubu Kaštan

Where one can dispose various types of waste

3.10.2011 — české stránky-Kam odložit různé druhy odpadu

Benefiční koncert pro Motýlek 2019

22.10.2019 — Nevšední večer s originální kapelou The Brownies se koná 31. října 2019 od 17:30 hodin v Komunitním centru Matky Terezy na Hájích.

Birell Prague Grand Prix 2017

30.8.2017 — The third of the series of this year's world races RUNCZECH held in Prague is titled Birell Prague Grand Prix 2017 and will start on the Saturday evening of September 9th, in the city center.

Top dancers will gather in Hybernia Theatre

29.4.2019 — On the 30th of April 2019, the 33rd annual festival 'Mezinárodní týdny tance' (International Dance Weeks) will culminate in the Hybernia Theatre. For the first time, artists from all three Czech National Theatres will meet on one stage!

Prague Airport

8.8.2017 — Václav Havel Airport Prague handles over 13 million passengers a year and the number is still increasing. More than 60 airline companies connect Prague with over 140 destinations worldwide.


8.8.2012 —

Aerobiological monitoring of air in Prague

21.6.2007 — The Prague Pollen Monitoring Station of the Czech Pollen Information Service was put into operation in March 1993. The graphs presented demonstrate concentrations of the most significant airborne pollen allergens in Prague air during the last six years.

Prague IoT Centre přinesl první zákazníky a milionovou investici

15.8.2017 — Prague Startup Centre pořádá unikátní inkubační program Prague IoT Centre. Ten startupům v oblasti IoT a SmartCity nabízí nejen zkušené mentory, bezplatný vybavený IoT lab v centru Prahy, ale hlavně pomáhá získat pilotní zákazníky a investici.

Get to know sculptor Matthias Braun’s art

20.10.2019 — Prague City Gallery has several dozen sculptures that are accessible to the public. We have already introduced some of them here on www.praha.eu. This time, we will look at Matyáš Bernard Braun's sculptures in Prague. The Austrian sculptor and woodcarver is one of the most important sculptors of the High Baroque period in the Czech Republic. Although he was not a Czech native, he created some of his most precious works in Bohemia.