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Celkem záznamů: 7849
Underground Vyšehrad after the pandemic

7.4.2020 — When the coronavirus pandemic is over, you can treat yourself with a trip to explore underground Vyšehrad where the treasure from Charles Bridge can be found.

Classical music at the Zoo

24.5.2019 — From May to September, you will not only hear tigers' roars and parrots' squawks, but also classical music at Prague Zoo. 'Hudební procházky' (Music Walks) will take place every Sunday at 1pm in Gočár's Houses.

Zaměstnanost, 2000-2003

3.6.2005 — informace z ročenky Praha ŽP 2004


11.9.2006 — BESH O DROM predstavi svou tanecni party v balkanskych rytmech v sobotu 9. zari v prazskem Palaci Akropolis

Prague’s Matějská pouť (St. Matthew’s Fair) Calls Forth the Arrival of Spring

19.2.2018 — The Prague Exhibition Grounds in Holešovice (Výstaviště Holešovice) will come to life on the 24th of February with the traditional fair of St. Matthew. Visitors can look forward to more than 115 different entertainment attractions, an accompanying program and, of course, stalls with typical fair fast food. This year's fair will last until April 15 and is again the first event of its kind in Europe.

Open-air concert on Hradčanské Square: one of Czech Philharmonic’s biggest events

18.6.2019 — On the 19th of June, Czech Philharmonic's open-air concert will take place in the breath-taking atmosphere of Prague's Hradčanské Square. The concert is one of the most attractive events of the music season.

Prague Public Transport Museum is open in the winter

17.2.2019 — Since the Prague Public Transport Museum is very popular, The Prague Public Transit Co. Inc. has decided to open it to the public even in the winter months. The museum will be open every weekend until the 31st of March 2019 from 9am to 5pm. Visitors will find more than forty historic vehicles and many other exhibits here, including models, photographs, historical documents, tickets and transport plans.

New drive-in cinema at the Great Strahov Stadium

21.5.2020 — The space near the Great Strahov Stadium is being put to good use, with a brand-new drive-in cinema. With a capacity of 120 cars, it is the largest drive-in cinema in Prague. Apart from film screenings, various cultural events will also take place here during the summer.

Traffic restrictions on ‘Štěrboholská spojka’

17.3.2019 — From the 18th of March, traffic on the link road 'Štěrboholská spojka' will be restricted.

THE BELL 2010 Young Art Biennial

9.8.2010 — Exhibition

Special Prague Symphony Orchestra concert in the Municipal House

15.6.2020 — Prague Symphony Orchestra, also known as FOK, which stands for Film Opera Koncert, will hold a special concert in the Municipal House's Smetana Hall. The concert will be the orchestra's first after the coronavirus break and will take place at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, the 23rd of June. The orchestra will be directed by Pietari Inkinen. Sibelius' tone poem 'Finlandia' Op. 26 and Dvořák's Symphony No. 9 in E minor Op. 95 'From the New World' will be on the evening's programme. This is will Inkinen's final concert as chief conductor of FOK, with his typical combination of Finnish and Czech music.

24th Strings of Autumn Festival offers alternative concerts

7.9.2020 — Israeli bassist Avishai Cohen will launch the Strings of Autumn festival on the Lucerna Rooftop on the 11th of September, with up to 250 spectators. The capacity is limited to 250 spectators. Music lovers will enjoy Cohen's concert in an unusually intimate atmosphere, very different to the great halls where he usually plays. The charming environment on the Lucerna Palace Rooftop between the Prague towers offers a unique view of Prague's landmarks and makes the concert even more special.

To and From the City Centre

21.6.2007 — There are many options for getting to and from Prague Airport. You have a choice between personal transport solutions, private shuttle services, taxis or public bus services.

Unique numbering system on Prague’s lampposts assists with rescues

21.1.2019 — There are more than 130,000 lampposts in Prague and each pole is marked with a unique number code. It accurately identifies a particular pole and provides information about its location. "We have a database of these numbers that is accessible to the Integrated Rescue system. Emergency line operators are able to quickly locate the caller when they give them the number of the nearest public lamppost. In practice, it helps a lot," Jan Chabr says. Chabr is Prague's City Hall Councillor and is in charge of Prague's municipal assets.

Management of hazardous substances

21.6.2007 — the text based on the chapter Management of hazardous substances published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006

Začal festival Prague Pride pod záštitou hlavního města, Praha vyvěsila duhovou vlajku

7.8.2023 — V pondělí ráno v 8:00 hodin vyvěsili představitelé hlavního města Prahy na budovu Nové radnice duhovou vlajku. Dali tak symbolicky najevo podporu festivalu Prague Pride, který se tento týden koná na různých místech v Praze. V pondělí večer pak zazáří Petřínská rozhledna duhovými barvami.

Prague public transport introduces holiday timetables

20.3.2020 — Due to emergency measures regarding the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19, the number of passengers using public transport in Prague is declining.