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Celkem záznamů: 7849
Traffic measures on the Malešická Street

23.2.2020 — From the 24th of February to the end of July 2020, Malešická Street in Prague 10 will be closed to public and private transport between the intersection with K Červenému dvoru Street and the intersection with Olgy Havlové Street due to major reconstructions in this section.

The Week of Brain in the Czech Academy of Sciences

10.3.2019 — Lectures on new discoveries in neuroscience, as well as an accompanying programme that popularises this research, will take place during 'Týden mozku' (The Week of Brain), from the 11th to the 17th of March 2019.

Cycling Map

18.6.2009 —

European Shakuhachi Festival 2010

21.8.2010 — Music you haven't heard.

Cycling season begins!

28.3.2019 — Prague City Hall has launched another cycling season.

Free tours of Prague to celebrate International Tourist Guide Day

16.2.2019 — On the 23rd of February 2019, the Czech Republic Guides Association will offer free guided tours to celebrate the International Tourist Guide Day. The International Tourist Guide Day is held annually on the 21st of February since 1985. Because the 21st is a Thursday, tour guides in most places decided to give free guided tours on Friday the 22nd or Saturday the 23rd of February. The event will take place throughout the Czech Republic. In Prague, tourists will have a choice between two guided tours.

Czech singer Tereza Krippnerová will sing songs of the jazz legend Nina Simone at the Reduta Jazz Club

23.1.2020 — On the 25th of January, Reduta Jazz Club in Prague will host a concert of the Czech singer Tereza Krippnerová, who will sing music of the American singer, pianist and author Nina Simone. The concert will be part of the concert series 'Tribute to World Legends', which reminds audiences attending concerts at the Reduta Jazz Club of outstanding personalities of international jazz. This time, the evening will belong to the legacy of Nina Simone.

Masaryk Station

10.4.2012 —

Primátor Pavel Bém navštívil humanitární koncert Help Haiti!

22.1.2010 — Osmihodinový humanitární koncert na pomoc postiženému Haiti proběhl dnes na Staroměstském náměstí. Součástí koncertu, kterého se zúčastnil i primátor hlavního města Prahy Pavel Bém spolu s premiérem Janem Fišerem, byla finanční sbírka pro humanitární organizaci Člověk v tísni.

Sail on a historic boat on the Vltava River

30.7.2020 — The residents of Prague will have the opportunity to sail down the Vltava River in a replica of a traditional boat called a 'šíf'. It is a large wooden boat, similar to a barge, which has been used to transport cargo including stones, sand, salt, grain and beer for centuries. This particular 'šíf' was built two years ago with support from Vltavan Čechy, a union which connects Vltava River associations from Prague, Davle, Štěchovice and Purkarec.

Old Town Hall to open on Monday with 50% admission discount

10.5.2020 — The Old Town Hall will reopen after two months, at 11am on Monday the 11th of May. There will be a 50% discount on admission and guided tours will be available by appointment from the 25th of May.

More events to support the development of Prague’s quays

10.2.2019 — This year, the capital plans to continue renewing the quays. The Prague Councillor for Property, Jan Chabr, wants to support more public events for children and families, during the winter as well as the summer. For example, on Saturday 2nd February, traditional farmers' markets will start on Rašínovo nábřeží quay. Jan Chabr would like to see similar events take place.

Finance, příjmy, výdaje

4.5.2005 — informace z RŽP 2004