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Celkem záznamů: 17205
Praha, Ostrava a Moravskoslezský kraj míří se společnou expozicí do Mnichova na prestižní evropský realitní a investiční veletrh Expo Real

24.9.2024 — Zástupci hlavního města společně s delegací z Ostravy a Moravskoslezského kraje vyrážejí prezentovat svá města a kraj na veletrh Expo Real do Mnichova.

The City of Prague Museum reopens Prague’s towers

17.5.2020 — If you enjoy looking at the city from a great height, you will be pleased to know that the City of Prague Museum is reopening the most popular Prague towers. The Czech capital city is also known as the City of a Hundred Spires ('Stověžatá Praha'). Only a few people know exactly how many towers there are in Prague; however, it is certainly over one hundred. In Prague, towers of all kinds are everywhere, even in the least expected places.

The opening of the summer tourist season at Prague Castle

8.5.2019 — On Saturday, the 11th of May, Prague Castle will officially open the summer tourist season. The seat of the Czech heads of state is on this day open to visitors completely for free. Apart from the opening of the summer season, the 100th anniversary of the Office of the President of the Republic will also be celebrated.