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Dance festival KoresponDance 2019 starts in Prague

23.6.2019 — Most of the international contemporary dance festival KoresponDance will take place at the Castle in Žďár nad Sázavou, but the opening event will be in Prague. On the 25th of June, dancers will entertain the audience with three performances at the historical building of Invalidovna in Prague. One of the highlights of the evening will be a solo performance by James Batchelor, one of Australia's most amazing dance artists.

Conifers in Prague Botanical Garden

30.7.2020 — Summer 2020 in Prague Botanical Garden is dedicated to conifers. Araucaria, Podocarpus, and Agathis (commonly known as kauri or dammara) are not the names of mythical animals, but of conifers that the garden will introduce as part of an exhibition that will take place until the end of August. Children will have the opportunity to learn all about conifers with characters from 'Čtyřlístek', popular Czech comic books for children.

Seafood & Prosecco at Malostranské Market

30.7.2020 — Whether you want to shop, eat or meet up with friends, Malostranské náměstí (Lesser Town Square) is the place to go on Thursday, the 30th of July. A popular farmers' market will take place on the busy square in the heart of the Czech capital, with a special offer on seafood and Prosecco. Thankfully, the popular market is not overly affected by restrictions, so you can freely enjoy shopping and socialising.

Cena Stanislava Libenského

24.9.2010 — Včera se konala vernisáž výstavy mladých světových tvůrců a ikon českého skla Sklo.Klasik. Při této příležitosti se v Letohrádku královny Anny na Pražském hradě udílely ceny Stanislava Libenského.