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Celkem záznamů: 17207
Live classical music concerts to celebrate Municipal House reopening

23.5.2020 — Prague Symphony Orchestra, also known as 'FOK', for 'Film-Opera-Koncert', is preparing the event 'Roušky se odkládají, salónky ožívají' ('Masks are put aside, halls are coming to life') in cooperation with the Municipal House. The event will make the reopening of the Municipal House a unique experience on the 25th of May from 6pm to 8pm. Halls that are usually accessible to the general public only on special occasions and with paid guided tours will come to life with free, short multi-genre concerts by Prague Symphony Orchestra's members.

Explore artificial intelligence with Richard Janeček’s art

20.1.2020 — Prague City Gallery hosts an exhibition of Richard Janeček's work entitled: 'I Think in an Ideal World, it Would Have Ended Very Differently'. The exhibition, which is a part of the gallery's 'Start Up' series dedicated to young artists, can be seen in Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace until the 2nd of February 2020.

Autumn colours in Prague Botanical Garden

23.10.2020 — Prague Botanical Garden was of the few places not affected by the government's Covid-19 restrictions, but unfortunately it had to close today. Hopefully, it will reopen soon so that visitors will be able to enjoy the beautiful autumn colours! The garden is truly magical in the autumn. Those who think that all flowers have already bloomed are mistaken. For example, the Ornamental Garden is still full of colour these days.

Praha nabízí přívětivou tvář v Mnichově

8.10.2007 — Právě dnes začal v Mnichově tradiční a zároveň nejvýznamnější středoevropský veletrh realit a investičních příležitostí Expo Real 2007. Potrvá tři dny a Praha se na něm již popáté prezentuje vlastním výstavním stánkem. Pořadatelé letos nabízejí v šesti výstavních halách plochu 63 000 metrů čtverečních, na kterých se představí 1 800 vystavovatelů ze 45 zemí.