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6.6.2022 —

World Press Photo 2010 v Praze

17.9.2010 — Včera večer byla v Praze zahájena výstava novinářské fotografie World Press Photo 2010. Cenu Prahy zde předala Marie Kousalíková, náměstkyně pražského primátora, který nad akcí každoročně přebírá záštitu. Výstavu mohou zájemci navštívit v pražském Karolinu od 17. září do 10. října.

Premium canoe slalom race in Prague

31.7.2019 — The ICF World Ranking Race will take place in Prague Troja on the 3rd and 4th of August. In addition to the many successful athletes who will be taking part, you can also look forward to a rich accompanying programme. The ICF World Ranking Race returns to Prague after a very successful first year, and Prague Troja will host the world-class slalom races once again.

World Wildlife Day in Prague Zoo

6.3.2020 — World Wildlife Day will be celebrated in Prague Zoo in Troja on Saturday the 7th of March. Although World Wildlife Day is on the 3rd of March, Prague Zoo is celebrating on the closest Saturday - the 7th of March. World Wildlife Day is on the 3rd of March because an important CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) meeting of representatives from 80 countries was held in the US on the 3rd of March 1973.