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Celkem záznamů: 21509
Prague Whitewater Games

8.8.2024 — Letošní kayakcrossové a freestylové závody Prague Whitewater Games se ve vodáckém areálu v Praze – Troji konají už od 9. do 11. srpna. Vstup zdarma.

Baroque Bastion XXXI offers great views and art

23.3.2020 — Founded in 1348 by Emperor Charles IV, Bastion XXXI forms part of the New Town of Prague's medieval walls. It not only offers visitors magnificent views of the Vyšehrad skyline, the Vltava waterfront, and many other historical buildings, but outdoor exhibitions are also regularly held there.

The National Museum has a unique new collection of Paleozoic fossils

31.1.2019 — The National Museum in Prague has one of the largest paleontological collections in Europe. Now, the collection has expanded with even more specimens. For last year's 200th anniversary, the Museum received a unique gift - a collection of fossils of Tertiary flora and fauna.