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Summer concerts in Riegrovy sady

15.7.2020 — Popular music concerts will take place in Riegrovy sady until mid-August. Instead of selling out stadiums, popular bands will bring a magical atmosphere to one of Prague's popular beer-gardens, making your summer nights in Prague unforgettable with a series of open-air concerts.

Funicular to Petřín closed for maintenance

5.3.2019 — From Monday the 4th to Friday the 15th of March 2019, the funicular from Újezd to Petřín will be out of operation due to regular spring maintenance.

The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the centrepieces of the Petřín Park

20.1.2019 — The long-neglected ecclesiastical building was completely restored under the supervision of the state heritage preservation boards.

Dobrovolníci pomáhají Praze

4.6.2009 — Okolí přírodní památky Hrnčířské louky poslouží k zachování populace žab a bezobratlých živočichů. Hnutí Brontosaurus spolu s firmou SAP BSCE tu vytvořilo malé vodní plochy, kde budou moci obojživelníci žít.