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Celkem záznamů: 410
Tourism in Prague

14.1.2010 —

Art in Cinema presents the Hermitage

9.1.2020 — Explore the St. Petersburg Museum of Art and its three million artworks with the documentary 'Hermitage: The Power of Art'. The film will be screened on the 11th, the 12th, the 14th, and the 17th of January in the Světozor Cinema, as part of the 'Umění v kině' ('Art in Cinema') series.

Horror exhibition in MeetFactory

21.7.2020 — TOO HOT by Eva Jaroňová is the first post-pandemic exhibition in the MeetFactory gallery in Smíchov. Eva Riebová, the Kostka Gallery curator, had to cancel the Indian artist Afrah Shafiq's exhibition due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, she was given the opportunity to seek out a Czech artist and discovered Eva Jaroňová, who participated in the Kostka Gallery's open call in the past.