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Celkem záznamů: 21155
Closure of Prague Zoo

21.3.2020 — As of 13 March Prague Zoo will be closed to the public until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Step Back in Time with a Steam Engine Trip

1.4.2019 — Do not miss the opportunity to experience what it was like to travel by train in the age of the steam engine. On Saturday, the 6th of April 2019, you can take a steam engine trip on the most scenic rail lines in the Czech capital.

Enjoy a picnic on Střelecký Island

13.7.2019 — On the weekend of the 13th and the 14th of July, Střelecký Island in Prague will turn into an ideal picnic spot with lots of food, music and entertainment.

Prague Galleries, Museums and Exhibition Halls will participate in Prague Art Week 2019

23.4.2019 — The second annual Art Week festival will invite the public to various venues all over Prague from the 22nd to the 28th of April 2019.