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Celkem záznamů: 7851
Porcelain Flowers for the Century of Czechoslovakia

30.11.2018 — Unique technique of cut printing created flowers for the republic.

The eighth annual festival of Iranian films in Prague with English subtitles

16.1.2019 — From the 15th to the 20th of January, Prague cinemas present a festival, which introduces some of the best current Iranian films. The festival, simply called 'Írán:ci' (Iranians), features films projected with English subtitles. It opens on the 15th of January at 8pm in the Lucerna cinema, with a dark comedy 'Pig', one of the most successful Iranian movies of the year. The director Mani Haghighi, whose movies 'About Elly' and 'Dragon Arrives!' were successful in previous years of the festival, will introduce the film.

Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day

8.11.2017 — November 17, which has been remembered as International Student Day since 1941, has a special significance in the history of the Czech Republic. It relates to the events of 1939 and 1989.

Začal festival Prague Pride pod záštitou hlavního města, Praha vyvěsila duhovou vlajku

7.8.2023 — V pondělí ráno v 8:00 hodin vyvěsili představitelé hlavního města Prahy na budovu Nové radnice duhovou vlajku. Dali tak symbolicky najevo podporu festivalu Prague Pride, který se tento týden koná na různých místech v Praze. V pondělí večer pak zazáří Petřínská rozhledna duhovými barvami.