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Celkem záznamů: 7849
Lukáš Rittstein’s works at the Sculpture Line festival

23.8.2020 — The Sculpture Line is a festival that transforms squares, streets, parks and other public spaces into open-air galleries. The festival is taking place in Prague and other Czech cities and towns for the sixth time. Sculpture Line is the largest event in the Czech Republic that supports the connection between sculpture and public space and, in doing so, expands the cultural and artistic potential of public spaces, bringing emotion into public spaces and exploring new possibilities. The main idea of the long-term art project is to introduce contemporary art to both residents and tourists, and to enhance the social function of public spaces.

A commentary on the competence of the National Heritage Institute (NHI) and PCH-HD stipulated in Act No. 20/1987 Coll., On State Monument Care, and other valid legal regulations

17.12.2012 — Information for building offices and investors in the City of Prague in terms of competence of the National Heritage Institute, regional centre in Prague and the National Heritage Institute central office

Guided tours of the Gardens below Prague Castle

25.9.2020 — The romantic setting of the Gardens below Prague Castle offers a unique opportunity to relax and regain positive energy. On the 26th and 27th of September, visitors can also avail of the offer of guided tours.

New cycling paths in Prague

23.9.2019 — Prague councillors have agreed to support the financing of the project preparation and partial creation of new routes for cyclists and pedestrians in northeast Prague. Districts 14, 18, 19, and 20, as well as Čakovice, Satalice and Vinoř, will plan to connect existing cycle paths by slightly adjusting field roads and third-class roads to create a unified and efficient network.