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Celkem záznamů: 2374
Museum Kampa otevře po požáru výstavu Alfonse Muchy a Pasty Onera a stálou expozici

30.7.2020 — Museum Kampa otevře své brány návštěvníkům v sobotu 1. srpna v 10:00 hodin. Uzavřeno bylo po požáru v technickém zázemí od 15. července. Částečné otevření Musea Kampa je možné díky pomoci společnosti Trade Centre Praha, která objekt spravuje. Pro veřejnost bude zpřístupněna výstava Alfonse Muchy a Pasty Onera: Elusive fusion a stálá expozice Františka Kupky a Otto Gutfreunda.

The City of Prague Museum reopens Prague’s towers

17.5.2020 — If you enjoy looking at the city from a great height, you will be pleased to know that the City of Prague Museum is reopening the most popular Prague towers. The Czech capital city is also known as the City of a Hundred Spires ('Stověžatá Praha'). Only a few people know exactly how many towers there are in Prague; however, it is certainly over one hundred. In Prague, towers of all kinds are everywhere, even in the least expected places.

The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague presents: ‘Tapio Wirkkala – An Icon of Finnish Design’

28.12.2019 — The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague is hosting an exhibition of works by the iconic Finnish designer Tapio Wirkkala until the 23rd of January. The exhibition is held in the museum's historical building in the city centre. The exhibition's curators are Uta Laurén and Jan Mergl.