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Celkem záznamů: 189466
Another successful year for Prague Zoo

18.1.2019 — Prague Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world, and was ranked fifth-best internationally last year. The zoo's breeding programmes have been successful - 1340 animals were born here in the last year. New species of animals have been introduced to the zoo, including the Etruscan shrew, the smallest mammal in the world. This insectivore, which is between 3 and 5 centimetres long excluding the tail and has an average body mass of 1.8 grams, is to be found from the end of the summer in the pavilion 'African House'.

Prague Zoo during the pandemic

31.3.2020 — Prague Zoo is closed to the public due to the pandemic, but life inside goes on through the zoo's new YouTube channel. According to director Miroslav Bobek, the zoo is functioning without any major issues. Roughly a third of employees are still working, taking care of the animals and basic operations, including curators, breeders, veterinarians, feeders and the maintenance crew. Construction work continues on sites such as the new gorilla pavilion.

Pražská zoo otevře 28. září nový pavilon

26.9.2022 — Dlouho očekáváné otevření nového pavilonu goril - africké Biosférické rezervace Dja - v Zoologické zahradě hlavního města Prahy se uskuteční ve středu 28. září 2022. Na malé i velké návštěvníky zoo čeká při této mimořádné příležitost bohatý celodenní program.