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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17193
Children’s fairy tale art is decorating the Ctěnice Chateau
13.2.2019 — The City of Prague Museum, in cooperation with the Free State of Saxony's liaison office in Prague, organised an exhibition of children's drawings with fairy tale themes in the Ctěnice Chateau complex. The exhibition will be open until the 17th March.
The exhibition of nativity scenes at the Museum of Charles Bridge accompanies the story of a Christmas tree
12.12.2018 — Prague's nativity scenes flooded Prague this year. You can admire them, for example, in the Charles Bridge Museum. Not only will you see the Holy Family in a straw-like form and life-size, there is also a unique Czech one - a fish nativity scene written in the Czech Book of Records or an African nativity scene from ebony wood. And this year, the museum also focused on the history of the Christmas tree.
The exhibition of nativity scenes at the Museum of Charles Bridge accompanies the story of a Christmas tree
12.12.2018 — Prague's nativity scenes flooded Prague this year. You can admire them, for example, in the Charles Bridge Museum. Not only will you see the Holy Family in a straw-like form and life-size, there is also a unique Czech one - a fish nativity scene written in the Czech Book of Records or an African nativity scene from ebony wood. And this year, the museum also focused on the history of the Christmas tree.
Prague historic VIP lounges open their doors to the public
28.12.2018 — Among other places, you can visit two historic government lounges at the Prague train stations. However, the last chance to see them is approaching fast - do not miss this opportunity on the 29th of December 2018.
Paddleboardové závody na divoké vodě v Troji
21.7.2023 — Na padesát závodníků všech věkových kategorií se tento víkend sejde ve vodáckém areálu v pražské Troji, aby změřili své síly v rámci českého poháru v paddleboardingu na divoké vodě v TROJA-CZECH SUP WHITE WATER RACE 2023. Závod i doprovodný program jsou divákům volně přístupné.
6.1.2010 — long-term exhibition
JOSEF BOLF: You arn't You, You are I
6.1.2010 — 27/11, 2009 – 21/2, 2010
‘V Praze jako doma’ tourism campaign successfully continues
22.9.2020 — 'V Praze jako doma', the campaign supporting tourism in Prague and to reduce the negative economic consequences of coronavirus, has been very successful. Thanks to the campaign, almost 60,000 people came to the Czech capital this summer, mainly from the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. There have been very positive responses to the programme. The City of Prague, along with Prague City Tourism, will therefore extend the campaign until the end of December this year.
Volunteers help families with children with special needs
10.4.2020 — The number of volunteers who have registered at the Czech Red Cross tents in Mariánské Square continues to increase. A total of 3,164 volunteers had registered by the 8th of April. Prague is now able to expand its offer of help to families who have children with special needs. As services for them are now limited and special schools are closed, the situation is more challenging than before.
Press Release: DESIGNBLOK
11.4.2009 — Designblok - the annual week-long exhibition of new pieces from the world of design
Ministerstvo nás vydírá dotacemi. Blokuje zákaz vjezdu kamionů
17.10.2017 — Zdroj: Pražský deník | Deník | Strana: 8 Kategorie: Regionální zprávy Vydavatel: Vltava-Labe-Press 17. října 2017
Má se primátorka vzdát platu?
2.9.2017 — Zdroj: Pražský deník | Deník | Strana: 4 Kategorie: Regionální zprávy Vydavatel: Vltava-Labe-Press 2. září 2017
Hostem primátorka Prahy Adriana Krnáčová
12.4.2015 — Frekvence 1 | 12.4.2015 | 17:00 | Pořad: Press klub | Téma: Volené orgány - Primátorka - Adriana Krnáčová
The world's biggest Romani festival is here
24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.
The world's biggest Romani festival is here
24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.
The National Museum invites you to the Pantheon, one of the most beautiful halls in the country
9.1.2020 — On the 11th of January, you will have the unique opportunity to explore the newly renovated interior of the Historical Building of the National Museum. The tour ends with a visit to the Pantheon, one of the most extraordinary halls in the Czech Republic.
Documentary films
16.3.2009 —
Documentary films
16.3.2009 —
Khamoro – World Roma Festival
22.5.2018 — This year's event promises an exceptional program full of musical happenings! The 20th Khamoro Festival will present contemporary and traditional Roma culture during an intensive week full of music, dance, theater and other events from May 27th to June 2nd in Prague.
Dancer with a plant
9.1.2020 — On the 17th of January 2020, Studio ALTA will host Cécile da Costa's new production - a one woman show called 'Roselyne'.
Peníze od dvou kasin budou použity pro zdravotnictví
24.6.2003 — zpráva z 24. jednání Rady hl. m. Prahy 24. června 2003
Guided tours of the Gardens below Prague Castle
25.9.2020 — The romantic setting of the Gardens below Prague Castle offers a unique opportunity to relax and regain positive energy. On the 26th and 27th of September, visitors can also avail of the offer of guided tours.
Enjoy a fairy-tale weekend at Chvaly Chateau
15.8.2019 — From the 16th to the 18th of August, a fairy-tale weekend will take place at Chvaly Chateau in Horní Počernice.
Primátor Pavel Bém přijal delegaci manažerů mládežnických hokejových družstev
6.8.2003 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy MUDr. Pavel Bém přijal dnes dopoledne na Staroměstské radnici delegaci manažerů družstev 12. ročníku mezinárodního mládežnického turnaje v ledním hokeji Czech Hockey Challenge Cup 2003.
European Mobility Week
16.9.2020 — European Mobility Week 2020 will start in Prague on Wednesday the 16th of September. The event, which offers numerous events focusing on active and more environmentally friendly modes of transportation, will take place
New tags for the trees in Stromovka
20.9.2020 — There are 203 species of deciduous and 44 species of coniferous trees in Stromovka in Prague, making the former game reserve one of the richest in tree species diversity in the Czech Republic. Many trees in Stromovka now have new labels as part of the project 'Trees you want to know'. 134 nameplates were installed on 94 tree species in the central part of the Royal Game Reserve. Therefore, visitors to Stromovka can now learn about a total of 18 species of oak, for example. One of the white oaks growing in the park is even the oldest of its species in the Czech Republic.
Take part in Etnopiknik at Náprstek Museum
16.8.2019 — Náprstek Museum has prepared an interesting event for its visitors - Etnopiknik, which will take place on the 17th of August. In one day and one place, you will have the opportunity to get to know various non-European cultures with all your senses.
Hlavní město letos podpoří významné sportovní akce v Praze mimořádně dalšími třemi miliony korun
8.6.2021 — Praha odsouhlasila poskytnutí mimořádné finanční podpory na pořádání významných sportovních akcí, které se v letošním roce konají na území hlavního města. Celkově je pro tyto účely vyčleněna částka ve výši tří milionů korun.
Traditional Christmas Exhibition at the Charles Bridge Museum
31.12.2019 — The life-sized nativity scene made from straw by the Polish artist Andrzej Wrzecionko, a Vltava fish nativity scene registered in the Czech Book of Records, an African themed nativity scene made from ebony wood, a nautical-themed nativity scene, and a nativity scene made from corn husk are just a few of the unique creations that you can see at the traditional Christmas exhibition at the Charles Bridge Museum. This year, apart from nativity scenes, you will also have the opportunity to learn about the history of Christmas music as part of the exhibition.
Dopravní opatření v souvislosti s cyklistickým závodem L'Etape Czech Republic by Tour de France
9.6.2022 — V sobotu 11. června 2022 se v Praze uskuteční 2. ročník cyklistického závodu L'Etape Czech Republic by Tour de France. Jeho trasa povede po komunikacích na území městských částí Praha 5, 6 a 17, které budou na dobu průjezdu cyklistů uzavřeny.
A new vineyard on the slopes of Vítkov in Prague
18.12.2019 — There is much more to Prague than well-known tourist attractions like Hradčany and Wenceslas Square. For example, the Czech capital currently has a total number of fourteen vineyards within its borders. The most famous are St. Clare's Vineyard and Salabka Vineyard in Troja, Máchalka Vineyard in Vysočany, and Grébovka in Prague 2. The new vineyard in the park in Vítkov is a recent addition.
Česká města lákají investory na prestižním realitním veletrhu MIPIM
16.3.2018 — Dnešním dnem vrcholí veletrh MIPIM, největší evropská přehlídka nemovitostí a investičních příležitostí, jejíž 29. ročník probíhá ve Festivalovém paláci francouzského Cannes od úterý 13. března. V konkurenci desítek evropských metropolí a regionů o pozornost zahraničních investorů usilovala také tři největší česká města Praha, Brno a Ostrava.
New circus festival Letní Letná takes place with reduced programme
30.6.2020 — Fans of new circus will be pleased to hear that Letní Letná, the popular new circus festival, will take place this year after all, and only part of the programme will be postponed until next year. The 17th annual Letní Letná festival will take place from the 18th to the 25th of August in Letenské sady in Prague. Unfortunately, the programme will not be the same, but it is still well worth a visit!
During this year’s Prague Spirit Festival, you will not be alone
11.3.2019 — From the 15th to the 21st of March 2019, yoga enthusiasts from all over the world will gather in Prague to take part in the 9th Prague Spirit Festival. 'Novoměstská radnice' (The New Town Hall) hosts the main events. Yoga is about life, reality, pleasures and doubts. The motto of this year's annual festival, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic, is "You are not alone".
Young jazz musicians will perform in Malostranská beseda
11.9.2019 — On the 12th of September, Magnum Jazz Bigband will perform at the famous club Malostranská beseda on Malostranské Square. Magnum Jazz Bigband has a broad repertoire, playing everything from swing to modern jazz.
Titul Film Friendly 2016 – TSK se stala nejvstřícnějším úřadem lokačních manažerů
30.6.2017 — Technická správa komunikací hl. m. Prahy, a.s. (TSK) získala prestižní ocenění lokačních manažerů v soutěži Film Friendly 2016 a stala tak nejvstřícnějším úřadem k filmařům. Hlavní titul Film Friendly určený regionálním subjektům za spolupráci s filmaři putoval do Liberce. Zasloužila se o to tamější filmová kancelář, která od roku 2015 funguje pod městským informačním centrem.
Dance for half an hour a day with famous choreographer
9.4.2020 — Going to sport centres has become impossible due to the coronavirus pandemic, and exercising outdoors is even limited at the moment. However, thanks to modern technology, there is no need to despair. You can stretch your body properly in the comfort of your own home.
Smart and inexpensive transport during European Mobility Week
16.9.2019 — European Mobility Week is the world's largest sustainable mobility campaign. The campaign, which has been held since 2002, will take place from the 16th to the 22ndof September. European Mobility Week is organised in dozens of European cities as an initiative of the European Commission. It aims to offer city inhabitants alternative modes of transport, and to show them ways to travel around the city quickly and cleverly.