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Celkem záznamů: 17149
Abstract sculptures in Troja Château Gardens

22.5.2020 — Prague City Gallery is slowly returning to normal operation after the closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. For example, visitors can admire 'Colorbond', a sculpture exhibition by Jan Kovářík, from mid-May. Troja Château Gardens belong to the most beautiful Baroque gardens in Prague. Art lovers can find many statues, rare decorative terracotta vases, pergolas, a maze and fountains there. Kovářík's sculptures will give the garden's visitors an additional artistic experience during the tourist season.

‘Phenomenon of Prague Passages’ photo exhibition

16.9.2020 — An interesting exhibition focusing on Prague's covered passages started on Monday, the 14th of September. This exhibition of photographs allows you to learn more about the city of Prague in detail.

Metropole pohledem fotografů

16.5.2024 — Od čtvrtka 16. května 2024 je v Galerii Ambit na Jungmannově náměstí k vidění výstava těch nejlepších fotografických snímků metropole ze soutěže Praha fotografická.

Another successful year for Prague Zoo

18.1.2019 — Prague Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world, and was ranked fifth-best internationally last year. The zoo's breeding programmes have been successful - 1340 animals were born here in the last year. New species of animals have been introduced to the zoo, including the Etruscan shrew, the smallest mammal in the world. This insectivore, which is between 3 and 5 centimetres long excluding the tail and has an average body mass of 1.8 grams, is to be found from the end of the summer in the pavilion 'African House'.