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Celkem záznamů: 17157
The Future of Prague

5.10.2007 — In its history Prague has gone through a lot of transformations.

German language film festival

18.8.2019 — Das Sommerkino 2019 is a festival that offers best German language films from recent years. It is organised by Goethe-Institut in Prague.

Ferry Vyšehrad

17.7.2020 — 'Náplavky', meaning riverbanks, have become popular venues for various events and markets in Prague. Now, travelling between Smíchovská náplavka by Hořejší Embankment and Náplavka by Rašínovo Embankment will be quicker and easier thanks to a new regular ferry connecting them.

Art for the city

23.5.2020 — As Prague would like to have as much public art as some other major cities, streets and other public spaces will be soon filled with work by various artists. The 'Art for the City' programme ('Umění pro město') will support the emergence of contemporary art in public spaces in the Czech capital.

Prague will host famous Thai youth orchestra

11.9.2019 — On the 12th of September, the famous Thai youth symphony orchestra, Siam Sinfonietta, will play in Liechtenstein Palace in Prague along with Czech symphonic orchestra, Novoměstská filharmonie.

The City of Prague Museum reopens Prague’s towers

17.5.2020 — If you enjoy looking at the city from a great height, you will be pleased to know that the City of Prague Museum is reopening the most popular Prague towers. The Czech capital city is also known as the City of a Hundred Spires ('Stověžatá Praha'). Only a few people know exactly how many towers there are in Prague; however, it is certainly over one hundred. In Prague, towers of all kinds are everywhere, even in the least expected places.