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Celkem záznamů: 21254
Prague Galleries, Museums and Exhibition Halls will participate in Prague Art Week 2019

23.4.2019 — The second annual Art Week festival will invite the public to various venues all over Prague from the 22nd to the 28th of April 2019.

Zlíchov Open Day

11.4.2019 — The Zlíchov Depot is reopening after the winter break.

Smíchov Station

10.4.2012 —

Individual Targetted Subsidies

15.8.2011 — Starting 1 November 2016, support for events in the field of culture and tourism is to be provided by the City of Prague through the applicable grant (subsidy) programmes (see section Grants), in justified cases it is possible to apply for support in the form of Individual Targetted Subsidies as per Section 10a (2) and (3) of Act No. 250/2000 Coll., on the budgetary rules of territorial budgets, as amended.

Prague on 11th place in the world among urban destinations

8.3.2023 — Euromonitor International's Top 100 City Destinations Index 2022

Praha zve Čechy na filmové zážitky

10.3.2015 — Film v Praze je hlavním tématem tohoto roku pro české turisty. Záměrem letošního projektu na podporu domácího cestovního ruchu je zdůraznit propojení metropole s filmovou kulturou a pozvat Čechy nejen do pražských kin, ale i na filmové festivaly, výstavy nebo do barrandovských ateliérů. Prague City Tourism (Pražská informační služba) proto spustil specializovaný web www.filmvpraze.czplný tipů na pražské filmové zážitky.

Statistics 2022

19.5.2022 — Statistics 2022