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Celkem záznamů: 7840

20.4.2024 — SUB-SOVEREIGN CREDIT OPINION 29 November 2023 Update RATINGS Prague, City of Domicile Czech Republic Long Term Rating Aa3 Type LT Issuer Rating - Fgn Curr Outlook Stable Please see the...


9.8.2007 — Position paper Operational Programme Prague-Competitiveness 2007-2013 Preparation of OP In the text of the OP, partnership has been dealt with in a rather vague way, which does not allow the...


26.2.2010 — Credit Opinion: Prague, City of Global Credit Research - 11 Feb 2010 Czech Republic Ratings Category Moody's Rating Outlook Stable Issuer Rating A1 Contacts Analyst Phone Katerina...

Cities should play a key role in green recovery

8.7.2020 — Cities should play a key role in green recovery An open letter to the President and to the Members of the European Council by the mayors of Visegrad Group capitals 16 June 2020 ...


11.4.2009 — Museum Kampa Nadace Jana a Medy Mládkových / The Jan and Meda Mladek Foundation U Sovových mlýnů 2, 118 00 Praha 1 Tel.: 257 286 147, fax: 257 286 113, e-mail: karina.kottova@museumkampa.cz,...

Dopis primátorů metropolí V4

16.7.2020 — H.E. Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany Dear Chancellor Merkel, 14 July, 2020 Earlier this year, the capital cities of the Visegrád countries launched an all-European...

V4 letter

15.7.2020 — H.E. Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany Dear Chancellor Merkel, 14 July, 2020 Earlier this year, the capital cities of the Visegrád countries launched an all-European...

Dopis primátorů metropolí V4

16.7.2020 — H.E. Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany Dear Chancellor Merkel, 14 July, 2020 Earlier this year, the capital cities of the Visegrád countries launched an all-European...