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Celkem záznamů: 7838
Strongest Czech team to face Swiss in Fed Cup 1st round

1.2.2018 — The strongest possible Czech team, Karolina Pliskova, Barbora Strycova, Petra Kvitova and Lucie Safarova, will appear in the Fed Cup 1st round battle to be held in Prague next week, in which their rivals will be the Swiss.


18.2.2010 — Exhibition

Romani and Balkan rhythms in Campus Hybernská

28.7.2020 — On Thursday, the 30th of July, the Trio Romano will perform a concert in Campus Hybernská's garden. The band, which focuses on the classical Romani repertoire and other music styles, will certainly make the audience dance.

Statistics 2012 - 2013

23.5.2013 — Statistics of Guests, Overnight Stays and MICE - Comparison of 2013 and 2012

Primátor Pavel Bém navštívil humanitární koncert Help Haiti!

22.1.2010 — Osmihodinový humanitární koncert na pomoc postiženému Haiti proběhl dnes na Staroměstském náměstí. Součástí koncertu, kterého se zúčastnil i primátor hlavního města Prahy Pavel Bém spolu s premiérem Janem Fišerem, byla finanční sbírka pro humanitární organizaci Člověk v tísni.

The art of calligraphy in the Gallery of Art Critics

21.7.2020 — The Gallery of Art Critics in Prague is holding an exhibition called 'Czech Calligraphy IROHA / HATAI' (in Czech 'Česká kaligrafie IROHA / HATAI') to celebrate 100 years of diplomatic relations and cultural cooperation between the Czech Republic and Japan.