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Prague Zoo starts a collection to help Australian fauna

14.1.2020 — On Monday, the 6th of January, Prague Zoo announced that they have started a collection to help the Australian fauna threatened by fires. Over one million CZK has already been collected. 160,000 CZK of this, which comes from the "Three Crowns of Entry Fee" project, has already headed to the Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund managed by Zoos Victoria, after being approved by Prague City Council on the 10th of January.

Prague celebrates the return of culture

18.8.2020 — "In April, together with GoOut, we sold tickets to non-existent shows in order to help to keep our culture alive. And because the time when almost NOTHING cultural happened is, hopefully, behind us, now Prague can experience SOMETHING in the last weekend of September. As an expression of gratitude to supporters and fans, cultural organisations all over Prague are preparing special events and programmes. It will be a celebration of the return and revival of culture and I look forward to seeing theatres and clubs full of fans soon," Hana Třeštíková, Prague Councillor for Culture and Tourism, said.

Christmas ice hockey youth tournament O Vánoční puk in Holešovice

29.12.2018 — The prestigious international youth ice hockey tournament O Vánoční puk will be played in Tipsport Arena in Holešovice from the 27th of December to the 29th of December. This event is funded by the charity Nadace HCS.

Mayors of V4 capitals: “Recovery from the pandemic must be green. We’re asking the EU for partnership”

8.7.2020 — Mayors of the capitals of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries have signed an open letter to the European Council. In it, they call for financial support, declaring their commitment to approach the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to seek smart solutions that improve quality of life and to overcome the challenges of climate change.

Prague Zoo needs your help

17.4.2020 — Even without visitors, life goes on in the zoo. However, it is difficult for the zoo to keep running without the significant income from entrance tickets. How can we help? One of the options is a virtual adoption. This year, you can adopt even a baby elephant!

Changes to Prague public transport in autumn and winter

31.10.2019 — Prague's integrated public transport system will soon undergo several changes. The development of the D metro line and new tram lines, large-capacity, convenient and comfortable transport, remains a priority. As regards bus lines, the city of Prague is preparing to adjust timetables in response to occupancy issues, especially in the quiet months of January and February, in order to make bus transport more effective.


6.6.2022 —

Goethe-Institut screening of a German drama

10.3.2020 — 'Greetings from Fukushima' is a German drama which will be screened on the 11th of March in the Goethe-Institut in Prague. The award-winning film deals with the consequences of a nuclear disaster and interpersonal relationships.

Birell Prague Grand Prix 2017

30.8.2017 — The third of the series of this year's world races RUNCZECH held in Prague is titled Birell Prague Grand Prix 2017 and will start on the Saturday evening of September 9th, in the city center.

‘V Praze jako doma’ tourism campaign successfully continues

22.9.2020 — 'V Praze jako doma', the campaign supporting tourism in Prague and to reduce the negative economic consequences of coronavirus, has been very successful. Thanks to the campaign, almost 60,000 people came to the Czech capital this summer, mainly from the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. There have been very positive responses to the programme. The City of Prague, along with Prague City Tourism, will therefore extend the campaign until the end of December this year.