Akcent International Theatre Festival

Akcent International Theatre Festival, organised by Archa Theatre, is on until the 2nd of December. Theatre installations, interactive scenic events and productions of documentary theatre are all on the festival's programme. Archa Theatre has been organising the international documentary theatre festival Akcent since 2010. Their aim is to create a platform for art that crosses the boundaries between art, social issues and politics.


Ordinary People

This year, the Akcent festival will introduce unique works that are both acute and spectacular. One of the most interesting productions is ‘Obyčejní lidé’ (‘Ordinary People’), a co-production by Beijing's Living Dance Studio and Archa Theatre directed by Jana Svobodová and the Chinese choreographer Wen Hui. The piece narrates Czech and Chinese life stories on one stage.

The production was a success at the Avignon theatre festival, as well as at the Paris d’Autumne festival. The two performances in Archa Theatre will be the only ones in the Czech Republic.


Various topics

Sláva Daubnerová, a Slovakian director, writer, performer and actress, will introduce the choreography ‘Solo lamentoso’, a crossover performance between documentary and reality, which discusses aggression between human beings.

‘Woman Who…’, a Portuguese theatre production, studies the position of women over different generations. The writers of the piece worked with the community in a small Portuguese village.

‘Pleasant Island’, a Flemish production, deals with the ecological theme of the Pacific island of Nauru, destroyed by phosphate mining.

Spielraum Kollektiv from Germany will introduce their interactive theatre event ‘Moje Vize’ (‘My Vision’), where children from 8 to 12 years old will be offered an opportunity to create their own TV news.


Czech participation at the Accent festival

The famous Czech theatre ensemble VOSTO5 will leave its footprint on the festival’s programme with an experiential installation with projections and sound simulations, where visitors will be able to experience the participants’ feelings at the Velvet Revolution’s biggest demonstrations in November 1989. Festival-goers will be able to experience the revolutionary tributes through the theatre installation. Apart from the installation, there will also be graphic workshops in the theatre foyer.


Trip to Hellerau

Most of the events on the festival’s programme will take place at the Archa Theatre, except for ‘Granma. Posaunenaus Havanna’. The production by Stefan Kaegi and Rimini Protokollwas co-produced with the Dresden theatre scene Hellerau. It will take place in Dresden and theatre lovers will go from Prague to Dresden by bus. The piece deals with Cuban history and the situation there today.


For further information on the theatre festival, please visit the website: https://www.divadloarcha.cz/en/.

25. listopadu 2019
25. listopadu 2019