Celebrations for giraffes and elephants in Prague Zoo

The weekend of the 21st and the 22nd of June will be dedicated to large African mammals in Prague Zoo. World Giraffe Day celebrations and a baby elephant christening will take place here. World Giraffe Day falls on the 21st of June, the longest day of the year, but it will be celebrated in Prague Zoo on Saturday, the 20th of June, this year. The Giraffe Conservation Foundation, who announced this day, protects and monitors these incredible mammals in the wild. Zoos celebrate giraffes on this day all around the world.


Giraffes in Prague

A Masai giraffe called Lenka was the first giraffe in Prague Zoo and was brought directly from Africa in 1954. Since then, several other giraffe subspecies have been bred in the zoo. However, only Northern Nubian giraffes (including the genetically identical formerly recognised Rothschild’s giraffe) have been bred in Prague Zoo since the 1970s.


Family celebrations

The giraffes have a large indoor area, several hectares of outdoor enclosure and sunny courtyards for during the winter in the African House pavilion. Meetings will take place at the giraffe enclosure every hour. There will also be a special ‘giraffe family’ competition where the tallest family will be rewarded with giraffe-themed gifts.


Elephant christening

A christening of two baby Indian elephants will take place on Sunday. These two elephants were born during the quarantine, and visitors can see them already on nice days in the Elephants Valley. Competitions and meetings at the elephant enclosure will be organised for both young and older visitors, along with other activities such as a special programme in the zoo’s paper mill, where paper is made from elephant dung.


For further information, please visit: https://www.zoopraha.cz/en.

20. června 2020
20. června 2020