Exhibition in Gallery 35: ‘Sibylle Bergemann. Photographien’

The French Institute in Prague is hosting an exhibition of Sibylle Bergemann's photography until the 24th of October. Bergemann is one of the most important German photographers of the last decade.

Gallery 35 is part of the French Institute and mainly supports exchanges between the French and Czech art scenes. Exhibitions from a variety of artistic fields, such as photography, design, video and illustration based on close cooperation with centres of contemporary art in Prague regularly take place there.


Exhibition in Gallery 35

The exhibition ‘Sibylle Bergemann. Photographien’ represents the renowned photographer’s complete works. Visitors can admire pictures from Paris and from the series ‘Mode’. Photos of ragged leather coats on rough asphalt and clothes stitched from small pieces of cloth next to a stone angel depict today’s society.


Photographic beginnings

Sibylle Bergemann’s photographic career started in the early 1970s, when after contributing for a while to leading East German periodicals, her photos began appearing in the legendary women's fashion magazine ‘Sibylle’. Soon she created her own style.

From fashion, she moved on to photographing East Germany, and later the rest of the world. She published photographic reportages on New York, Tokyo, Paris and Sao Paulo.


The artist’s vision of the world

Bergemann’s series of black-and-white photographs of everyday life in her native Berlin is one of her greatest gems. Her portraits of East Berlin are not analytical, but rather descriptive, showing people as they are in real life. She created a photographic history that combines dreams and social reality, and some of these photos have become icons. She explained her approach to photography in a few words: “I am interested in the edges of the world, not the centre.”

Further information in Czech and French at: https://kultura.ifp.cz/fr/galerie-35-1/event1239-sibylle-bergemann-photographies

30. září 2019
30. září 2019