Experience Prague Zoo with all your senses

On Sunday, the 17th of November, Prague Zoo will present an exhibition for people with sight loss, as well as for others to understand what it's like to perceive a zoo with senses other than sight.

Our eyes are the principal source of information for what is going on around us. When someone loses their sense of sight or has a visual impairment, they may become more dependent on their other senses - sound, smell, touch and taste. The exhibition aims to offer visitors the opportunity to explore the nature and animals in Prague Zoo in ways other than by sight.


Not only for the blind

In the Educational Centre, people with sight loss meet those whose sense of sight is intact. Their eyes are covered and they enter a new world where those without sight have the advantage, as their other senses are sharper.

The blind, as well as those who want to experience the zoo without their sense of sight, will have an opportunity to touch the fur of selected species of animals, skulls, horns and antlers and other parts of animals living in Prague Zoo.

They will also meet live animals, touch a big snake, a lizard, and the giant African land snail, and they will feel a cockroach and other insects walking on them.


How animals smell?

There will be many various samples of nature in the exhibition, including aromatic feeds and recordings of animals, which will allow visitors to experience Prague Zoo through senses other than sight. Odour samples will be also available – visitors will have the opportunity to smell different animal excrements, hair, and food for animals.

Thus, visitors will get to know the animals very closely, even though they will not see them. And visitors without visual impairments will be able to get another “view” of the world, learning through touch, hearing, and smell. The exhibition will be open between 10 am and 4pm in the Education Centre.


For further information, please visit: https://www.zoopraha.cz/en.

15. listopadu 2019
15. listopadu 2019