Garden through your eyes

The northern part of Prague Botanical Garden has recently been adorned with twelve large-format photographs. These are award-winning shots from the 'Zahrada vašima očima' ('Garden through Your Eyes') competition.


Hundreds of pictures

The jury had more than enough of pictures to chose from – more than 600 photographs were entered into the competition. Amateur photographers concentrated on all possible aspects of the beauty that the garden offers in all four seasons - from general views to specific details.

Some of the photographers focused on the landscape, while others depicted the sunrise or the sunset. Yet other photographers used interesting techniques including experimentation with the depth of field, light, framed views, mirroring, and macro photography. Some competition participants captured a play of shadows, animals, or emotions.

Finally, the twelve best shots capturing the beauty of Prague Botanical Garden were selected. The public can admire this collection of photographs presented on the panels in the northern part of the garden.


Giant musical instruments provide an interesting focus of play for children

While the adults can appreciate the artistic approach taken in the garden, the children can enjoy the playground called ‘Les plný zvuků’ (‘The Forest Full of Sounds’).

As the name suggests, silence is not required in this forest. Children can play with, for example, a giant dendrophone made of planks of wood from different trees that each makes a different sound, a massive lithophone made of slabs of stone making different tones sounds. Also provided for the enjoyment of children is a long sound canal hollowed out of a spruce tree trunk. This leads the sound in such a way that you can hear the person at the other end of the canal as if they were standing right next to you. Another interesting attraction is the amplifying device which is suspended from a structure made of tree trunks. It amplifies the sounds from the surroundings.

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10. února 2020
10. února 2020