Latvian dancers in Prague

X10 Theatre will feature the Latvian dance performance 'Labrys' on the 10th of March, as part of the 'Spectaculare' festival. Two million people live in Latvia, and it currently has nine professional, and at least two hundred amateur and semi-professional, theatre groups. Unfortunately, Latvian theatre is not often shown in the Czech Republic, so theatregoers, especially those interested in dance theatre, should not miss this opportunity.

Latvian labyrinth

Labrys represents the effort to create a mythological architectural structure through dance, as the title suggests. The Latvian dancers work with space as their equal, while pushing the boundaries of their physical abilities. The spectators, seated on swivel chairs, become, with the dancers, the architects of imaginary labyrinths, which appear and disappear throughout the evening.


Experimental music accompanies the dancers

Experimental composer Jēkabs Nīmanise’s distinctive composition will accompany the performance. “Music is one of the most abstract forms of communication. Just as with space, time and movement, its beauty is in the fact that it can be expressed mathematically”, the composer said.

The Latvian dance theatre evening promises a unique experience.


For further information, please visit:

9. března 2020
9. března 2020