Legendary Pink Dots return to Prague

An English-Dutch experimental rock band is coming back to Café V lese for the third time, and once again, it will certainly be an unforgettable evening. The concert will take place in the music club in the Vršovice district of Prague on the 15th of February.

Not only good coffee, but also a rich cultural programme and retro interior design attract visitors to Café V lese, a rock-café that is already becoming legendary. It was opened in 2010, at the beginning of the resurrection of Krymská Street in particular, and Vršovice district in general.


Legendary Pink Dots

The club will host The Legendary Pink Dots, a band that was formed in London 40 years ago. The experimental rock band has released over 40 albums over the course of their career. Now they are coming to Prague with their latest album from 2019 called ‘Angel in the Detail’. The band consists of the singer, composer and the band’s front man Edward Ka-Spel, and the other founding member Phil Knight. Erik Drost is currently performing as the guitarist.


Combination of musical styles

"The Legendary Pink Dots mixes a neo-psychedelic music style with ambient, electronic, industry, synthpop, post-punk, noise, jazz, pop, goth-rock and tons of other imaginable genres. All this comes with a distinctly experimental and avant-garde expression that is continuously evolving, but still remains very specific,” the concert organisers said.

The songs are dominated by Ka-Spel’s distinctive vocals, which could be compared to Pink Floyd or Syd Barretem. To give an idea, they are said to be similar to German experimental groups Can, Faust, or Swiss Brainticket.

Once again, it will be an unforgettable musical experience at Café V lesa.

For further information, please visit: https://www.cafevlese.cz/en.

14. února 2020
14. února 2020