Slovak Star in the Akropolis

Akropolis Palace in Prague hosts Katarina Máliková in concert on the 21st of January. The Slovakian star will launch her second and long-awaited album there.

Máliková made her debut in the year 2016 with the album ‘Pustvopol’. She not only sings, but also plays the piano, whistles, and uses synthesizers and percussion instruments on the album. Furthermore, she writes her own music. She received the Slovak RadioHead Award, and the following year, her record was on the list of the top thirty albums on the World Music Europe charts.


New album inspired by Scandinavia

Her second album ‘Postalgia’ is once again based on the traditional music of her native Horehorní, but you can also hear new instruments, synthesizers, and the influence of Scandinavian synth-pop.

Máliková describes the album as a longing for a non-existent future, as the name suggests, and it has a fragile, emotional sound.


A Polish guest

Ina West, a young Polish musician, will also perform in the Akropolis Palace during the evening. Her music connects dance and new wave electronic music with elements of modern Polish folk and jazz. Thus, West’s style is similar to Máliková’s work. Ina West’s debut album, ‘Consovel’, was released in 2015, and the young artist has performed at many major festivals since then.


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17. ledna 2020
17. ledna 2020