Elected Bodies
The City of Prague is autonomously administered by Prague City Assembly. Other bodies of the City of Prague are Prague City Council, the Mayor of Prague, Prague City Hall, special bodies of the City of Prague and Prague Municipal Police.

Prague City Assembly
In accordance with the Act on the Capital City of Prague, the Assembly consists of 55 – 70 members. At present, the Assembly numbers 65 members. The members are elected by the inhabitants of Prague in municipal elections as representatives of political parties under the proportional representation system.
Meetings of the Assembly are convened in writing with the announcement of the proposed programme by the Mayor of Prague. They are held when they are needed but at least once every three months. The Mayor of Prague usually conducts the meetings, too.
The Assembly sets up committees as its advisory bodies for individual areas of its activities. The committees perform tasks assigned by the Assembly. They are accountable to the Assembly and to the Council but only within its defined scope.
The Assembly always sets up the following committees: Finance Committee, Control Committee, Education Committee and Committee for National Minorities; if according to the last census, at least 5% of the inhabitants of Prague are of a different nationality than Czech.
Mayor of Prague
The Mayor of Prague is elected by the Assembly and is accountable to the Assembly for the performance of his or her duties. The Mayor of Prague appoints and dismisses, after prior agreement with the Minister of Interior, the Chief Executive of Prague City Hall.
The Mayor represents the City of Prague externally. Some of his actions require prior approval of the Assembly or the Council. The Mayor also carries out the office of the regional governor, unless the law states otherwise.
Prague City Council
Prague City Council is the executive body of the City of Prague. The Council is accountable for its actions to the Assembly, which elects it.
The Council prepares proposals for the Assembly meetings and ensures that adopted resolutions are fulfilled. The Council is elected by the Assembly from the Assembly members and has 11 members: the Mayor, Deputy Mayors and Councillors.
The Council sets up committees as its initiative and advisory bodies, which are accountable to the Council for their actions.