New Russian art exhibition in DOX

A new exhibition, 'Russia. Timeless', is running in DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Holešovice in Prague until the 2nd of December. The exhibition introduces strong artistic opinions from contemporary Russia. "The exhibition shows the theme of timelessness over the past sixty years by artists of different generations and aesthetic beliefs. We want them to stand side by side and together, without categorising them as more or less important than each other. Each visitor can decide that for themselves and according to their own opinion," Tomáš Glanc, one of the exhibition's curators, said.


Art and multimedia

Work by nearly fifty artists is on display, some of which can be seen in the Czech Republic for the first time. The exhibition is very varied. Paintings, drawings, objects, videos, films, installations, even multimedia, textiles, embroidery, photographs, and recordings of performances – all these visual medias are part of the exhibition.

You will see classic artists, such as Oskar Rabin, the Russian painter who lived in Paris and who was an important representative of the Soviet underground. Ilya Kabakov, a Russian artist who lives in New York, is a founder of Moscow conceptualism, and the only top international Russian celebrity in the world of contemporary art. Dmitry Prigov, one of the founders and ideological leaders of Russian conceptualism, and Viktor Pivovarov, a Russian artist living in the Czech Republic, are among other artists whose work will be displayed.


Eternal times

When entering the exhibition space, visitors will be surprised by a banner reminiscent of the "eternal times" of ornamental communist slogans. It is strangely distinctive, as it only contains the three letters of the Russian version of the word "Hooray", which can enthusiastically highlight literally anything.

Let yourself be surprised. Come to the exhibition, filled with art works full of imagination, wit, and intellectual courage – qualities so much needed in Russia as well as anywhere else in the world.


For further information, please visit:

23. října 2019
23. října 2019